@Lasse - thanks for this .. it does address a number of the questions that folks have posted here in the Community.
There are also some additional things that Google Sheets allow you to do in addition to the ARRAYFORMULA and IF() functions - including vlookups - that are not always the easiest to uncover when you are starting to stumble through using Google Sheets. I have had to find a few ways to address some of the issues across multiple tabs to assemble data onto one tab (ie the MyData tab in your video) that include things like the following:
- how to nest IF() statements within the ARRAYFORMULA
- how to use AND/OR logic statements in the ARRAYFORMULA - it is different that a ‘regular’ Google Sheet “if(A) and (B) THEN do C..
- nesting vlookups into an IF statement to pull in data from a field on another tab
Maybe these could be the ‘next tutorial’ video you can address for the crowd!!
Hi @john.desborough
Those are really great suggestion.
I will definitely look into adding these suggestions into another tutorial.
Thanks for the feedback
Hi @john.desborough
Those are really great suggestion.
I will definitely look into adding these suggestions into another tutorial.
Thanks for the feedback
@Lasse - it took me a while to figure out and search Mr. Google to find some of the answers required to make them work..
the logic statement below is one of the bits i finally figured out at around 2am one morning, that combines all of the above issues (except for the vlookup… which happens in another part of the sheet lol)
=arrayformula((if(isblank(S2:S), " " ,if(S2:S<=17, 'results '!$A$2, if((S2:S>17) * (S2:S<=31),'results '!$A$3, IF((S2:S>32) * (S2:S<47),'results '!$A$4,IF((S2:S>=47),'results '!$A$5,"des error")))))))