Reasons why you may not be able to publish your form | Community
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Hello Community! 


I'm writing today to offer some clarity about the possible reasons why you may not be able to publish your form. 


When you get an error message while trying to publish your form, it often means that you're using a feature that isn't included in your current plan. The message would look similar to this one: 

The solution is simple enough: if you remove that specific feature or upgrade to a plan that includes it, then you'll be able to publish the form! :) 


The good news is that Typeform will always tell you the reason and the feature that stops you from publishing your form. In case you're still unclear, see below a bit more detail about these:


Unlimited questions 

The free plan offers 10 questions per form. However, the ending and statements count as questions so make sure you count them too. If this is the case, remove the additional questions and you'll be able to publish your form. :) 


Remove branding 

The option to remove Typeform Branding is available for Plus plans and higher only. If you're on a different plan, this wouldn't be available for you. 


Respondent notifications / Payment question  / Redirect on Thank You Screen

These features are available for paid plans. Free plans wouldn't be able to use them. 



We hope this is clear but if you still have questions, feel free to post here and we'll be happy to help. 🤩

@minnanews - you should be able to do a screen shot on a laptop by doing Alt+PrtSc combination 

if you are trying to remove the Typeform branding - which is what puts “powered by Typeform” in the corner of the screen, then YES do have to go to a higher plan in order to remove that.- see the image below.. is that what you are seeing, or something similar?



Yes, it looks like that in the picture and I don’t mind it. I just thought it might block me from publishing and that’s why I tried to put it off.

Hm, without being able to see the issue, it’s difficult to say what might be causing the problem, @minnanews . If you’re not able to share a screenshot, it would be best to contact our support team directly here, as they can log into your account. 

I got the basic subscription, but still it doesn’t allow me to publish.

No chat, no support, no email

complete waste of my time

@msbb Could you share a screenshot of the error you’re seeing when trying to publish the form? That error should provide further information on what the issue is preventing the form from publishing. 

Hi, they published mine when i had 10 questions but only 3 questions got published . any ideas why?

Hi @Liz what was the answer to this? I have just got my basic memberships and when publishing the survey skips from question 1 to 9  and misses everything in between 

Hi @saem ahmed There isn’t a direct answer for this, as it depends on each customer’s form and the setup. Do you mind sharing a screenshot of what you have setup in the builder and/or any logic jumps you have on the form? 

The survey in publish mode skips from question 1 straight to 12 and then ends the survey, missing out every other question 

Hi @saem ahmed Do you have any logic jumps setup? Could you send a screenshot of those? 

I’m  not sure what logic jumps are but this is what came up when I clicked on that button


Hi @saem ahmed Oh! So the logic jumps are the problem in this case. This article here will walk you through what logic jumps are, but I also made a video below to explain what’s happening. 



I have the same problem.

  • Downgraded to basic plan
  • No logic jumps
  • Removed the thank you page
  • Only 3 questions
  • No explanation about which features are the problem

Hi ​@Qviro Totally agree - they definitely didn’t make that clear at all! Do you happen to have follow-ups on the form or any integrations, such as Google Analytics, connected?

@Liz yes thank you for noticing this! We have a connection with hubspot, slack, google analytics, google tag manager. Are all of these not included in the basic subscription?

 Hi ​@Qviro Ah, that would be it! Google Tag Manger and Google Analytics are available on the Business plan and higher. You’ll just want to remove these in order to be able to publish the form!

@Liz thank you for the timely help! It worked by removing Google Tag Manger and Google Analytics!

Glad it was a (relatively) easy fix, ​@Qviro ! Let us know if there’s anything else we can help with!
