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Tell us about your use case!

Tell us about your use case!
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  • March 15, 2022

@Darnell looks pretty good for a temp version! Would be great to hear if you notice any differences in traffic once you’ve revamped it - keep us posted! 

Think you might be the first VideoAsk power couple that I’ve seen, awesome that you’re using the tool for both businesses! Really like the detail in the skincare walkthrough, and that you’ve used logic to take customers back around to choose different options :blush:

  • Tastemaker
  • 342 replies
  • March 15, 2022

@Grace appreciate the feedback on that temp version (which has sadly been up for nearly a year now). Most people who land on my site do engage with the videoask, I just need it to be more helpful and intentional than it is now.

Re: being the first VideoAsk power couple - oh wow, haha! Well if y’all ever want to do a case study on us, just holler!

Yeah, she did a great job in addressing a lot of common concerns yet making it very easy for people to find what they’re looking for. I love that we’re able to continually build out this videoask as we produce new content and products.

We actually just updated it again last month but since Kim dresses herself the same way for continuity, you may not even noticed what was recorded when, lol.

Lastly, we wanted that particular videoask to replace a traditional chat bot and to reduce fall-off by making it easier to get answers to skin concerns. Something scaleable and then we could do more customized consultations on a 1:1 basis if people had concerns we didn’t address.

Hope that all makes sense, but thanks again for the feedback, Grace!

the conservative

hi, guy’s

as you see on my username, i am a conservative amaricen, but i love getting to know the other side and getting another prespective. My goal is geting to know the opinion of other pepole accros the country, and that’s why i started to use typeform, to create politicel polls and to test the politicel tempeture in the country, and so far it has been a real hit! and thank you guys of tpeform to give me this great opertunity, and thank you all in this great loving comunity for reaching out no matter if you like my beliveings or dont!

best wishes

@the conservative



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  • March 15, 2022
Darnell wrote:

@Grace appreciate the feedback on that temp version (which has sadly been up for nearly a year now). Most people who land on my site do engage with the videoask, I just need it to be more helpful and intentional than it is now.

Re: being the first VideoAsk power couple - oh wow, haha! Well if y’all ever want to do a case study on us, just holler!

Yeah, she did a great job in addressing a lot of common concerns yet making it very easy for people to find what they’re looking for. I love that we’re able to continually build out this videoask as we produce new content and products.

We actually just updated it again last month but since Kim dresses herself the same way for continuity, you may not even noticed what was recorded when, lol.

Lastly, we wanted that particular videoask to replace a traditional chat bot and to reduce fall-off by making it easier to get answers to skin concerns. Something scaleable and then we could do more customized consultations on a 1:1 basis if people had concerns we didn’t address.

Hope that all makes sense, but thanks again for the feedback, Grace!

I didn’t notice any differences between videos, so great work on the continuity!

This is awesome, it’s great to hear the thought process behind creating the videoask and also sharing it, choosing to embed it as a widget rather than using a chatbot - I like the personal touch it gives and I think it allows you to get to know the products in more detail before shopping. Plus, I like the idea of potentially offering 1:1 consultations in the future, would be easy to add on a step where customers can contact you to book something in! 

Thanks so much for sharing all this @Darnell :grin:

Gabi Amaral
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  • March 16, 2022

Hey @Darnell! Just checked both websites (yours and your wife) and I love them! 

First of all, congrats for being so natural in front of a camera. Sometimes, it can be hard to bring that to the screen and you certainly did! My only suggestion for the lead qualifier one would be to add an option to go back to the first video if the respondents choose option A or B. These days, people can be very indecisive and might want to go back to the first video to check what else you're offering on the website. Just a thought, of course! 

And your wife's VA is VERY STRUCTURED! Kudos to her (you as well?!). So many conditional logics, so well done. It looks amazing! Why don't you invite her to join our Community as well? 

And what do you think of the integrations you've been using? I'm specially interested in the Calendly one. We launched this one recently so we're still gathering feedback about it to make it better! In fact, @talon256 over here knows a lot about it, so if you ever need help or ideas with that, he'd be the person to go to! :wink:

  • Tastemaker
  • 342 replies
  • March 16, 2022

@Gabi Amaral appreciate you checking out our current VA’s!

Re: mine on my BH site - glad the content comes off as natural to you, it’s always something I worry about, lol. I credit that to you all and the awesome samples and templates avail on the VA website. They inspired me to create the video in that way.

Fantastic suggestion about adding that option to go back to the first video! It’s something I can implement right away as well without recording anything, so I’ll add it right after I finish this response. Thanks for the tip!

Re: our LETELLER VA - right!? I told y’all she crushed it! It took a minute to get her buy-in, but once I had it, she crafted several pages of prompts and recorded all these mini videos and saved them to her camera roll. I got her a ring light, I upgraded her iPhone, and I was like, let’s consider all the things you’re frequently asked and how we can really guide our visitors toward the right thing. I mentioned thinking of it like our website was a physical location and someone walked in. How would we approach them? How can we make this foolproof, etc? Anyway, I will invite her to join this Community for sure!

Re: the VA Calendy integration - I think it’s excellent and works as advertised. The version embedded in my widget is sized nicely within the VA. Feels thoughtful and integrated within the VA framework. I haven’t applied it yet on the TF side, but will let you know if/when I do and thoughts about it.

Gabi Amaral
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  • March 21, 2022

No problem, @Darnell

I wouldn't credit this to our templates, I think some people is just good at it, natural. You're certainly one of them! Have you followed my suggestion after all? It should be something simple to add! 

Yes, I'd love to hear about her experience. How she came up with the whole logic etc...did you build everything in a chart before putting on videoask? Fascinating! 

Please, don't forget to let us know about the Calendly integration. It was working amazing for some users, but there were still some difficulties to others (like @talon256 that I tagged here before!). 

Wishing you a beautiful week! :sunglasses:

  • Tastemaker
  • 342 replies
  • March 22, 2022

@Gabi Amaral you’re too kind.🤗

Yes, I implemented your suggestion and the videos have been updated! Thx again for the tip.

So Kim built our skincare VA in Google Docs first using tables. That doc became a multi-page doc. She’d start with a prompt and then type out what the response should be and then always end the script with a CTA. Over time, we’ve been adding to it, as we add new articles and products to our line-up.

Re: Calendly - ok, will do.

Have a marvelous week ahead too, Gabi!


Gabi Amaral
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  • March 24, 2022

Yaay, that's pretty cool! I just checked your website again and saw all of the "Go back's", I think they look good! @Darnell 

Oh, I'm surprised she was able to create the entire flow using docs, nice. 🤗 When I create my videoasks, I usually plan the whole logic on Miro. By the way, have you invited her to join our community? 

  • Tastemaker
  • 342 replies
  • March 28, 2022

@Gabi Amaral glad the ‘go back’s’ look good to you and thx again for the suggestion.

Yes, Kim used Google Docs for everything. We’ve never heard of Miro, but we’ll add to that to our ‘to check out’ list!

And no, I have not yet invited her, but that’s only b/c I need to keep her focused on her current tasks or she’ll get very sidetracked messing around in here with y’all, lol! I use VA and TF much more than here, but maybe I’ll get her to chime in on here from time to time.

@Gabi Amaral I added a use-case using VideoAsk, a first for me! Wasn’t sure where it goes after I record it. I don’t think I was logged in when I recorded it. Let me know if I need to re-do it!



Gabi Amaral
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  • April 6, 2022

Wow, @adrianne.meldrum! That's amaziiiing! Thanks for you reply, I love it! And how long have you been using Typeform? Don't forget to send us some of your forms so we can check them and give you some feedback!

I hope you don't mind but I have edited your message to add your videoask. I'm also adding your website over here for some visibility on your work: 

You also mentioned that @john.desborough is an inspiration to you (he is to us as well!), so don't forget to check the member spotlight of this month where we had a chance to talk to him! 😉

Last but not least, I'm tagging @JeanMcK over here since she's also working with Math (and obviously, Typeform!) Hehehehe. They are creating Math quizzes to support their online courses! 

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  • April 6, 2022

@adrianne.meldrum thank you so much for sharing, it’s so heart warming to hear how valuable Typeform has been to your process and the shout out to Des!

How did you find using VideoAsk for the first time? 

Ah! Thank you for helping me out. 

Here is where that particular use-case lives:


Video Ask is SUPER COOL! We have been talking about how to be more conversational in our company. This is super fun and definitely has given me a lot to think about. 

Community Team
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  • April 7, 2022

Amazing to hear @adrianne.meldrum 🙌 let us know if you have any questions about VideoAsk along the way, or if you decide to start using it!

And thank you for sharing the webpage, I think I needed this when I was at school, Math was never my strong point! 

Gabi Amaral
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  • April 7, 2022

Hey @adrianne.meldrum! You're welcome, you can always count on us! 

I've checked your quiz and first of all, congrats for doing such an important job! 👏🏼 I noticed that almost the entire quiz is made of the "Yes/No" question type. Do you find it easier this way? Why have you chose this one over the others? 


Hi @Gabi Amaral,

We are a funeral home with two locations. Currently every person who attends a funeral, signs a physical register book, with their name, address, and email. Too often it is hard for families to read what people handwrite on the books.

The use case for Typeform is to streamline this sign in process with the following benefits:

  1. Allow people to sign in from their mobile device by scanning a QR Code found on the program they receive prior to the funeral
  2. Allow people to sign in from home when watching a livestream of the funeral
  3. Eliminate the need for people to stay in line waiting for their turn to sign
  4. Ensure that all entries are legible

The Typeform is embedded in dynamic obituary pages on our website, and by using hidden fields, we can capture the name of the deceased to personalize the form, and the obituary GUID, which lets us integrate with, so all entries are saved to our SQL Server database and linked to each funeral, which in turn allows us to print a readable list of all attendees for the families we are serving.

One feature that missing, would be the ability to have multiple questions on the same page. For example, when entering address fields, it would be nice to have all fields in the same screen, i.e., address, city, state, and zip. I have seen this request posted before, and it makes so much sense to me.

I have already implemented the form and the integration with our database in a development environment, and it works beautifully! The only sticking point is the cost, as we estimate to have more than 20,000 submissions per year, it might be too costly for us.


But what an amazing product Typeform is! Keep up the good work.         

Gabi Amaral
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  • April 19, 2022

Hey @Silvio Ribeiro! Thank you for sharing, that's seems like a very unusual use case, very nice! 

I'm tagging @Michaela here because she knows all about Make, so if you ever have any questions about your integrations, make sure to reach out to her! 

I'm curious to take a look at your website and some of your forms. Do you think you can share that with us? 

Wishing you a lovely week! All the best! 😉


Hi @Gabi Amaral, here is a sample of one of our forms: (SIGN REGISTER BOOK), as I mentioned, this is still in our dev environment. This form will be dynamically embedded in every obituary page.

@Michaela I am struggling to get the hidden fields to be passed from Typeform to Make. The hidden fields are getting dynamic data from the webpage, and the data appears in the responses, however, these fields do not appear when I connect to This is the only thing preventing me from going to into production. Any thoughts on this?

This is another form we have been using for a few months in production: (Let’s Get Started). We are getting a lot of good results from this one.


Thanks again!

Leslie MGB
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  • April 19, 2022

Hi all! 

Gabi, thanks for asking about our Use Case. I’m just using Typeform right now, but I love seeing Darnell’s and Liz’s VideoAsks, it’s inspiring. Also cool to see other businesses.

My company is called MultiGenerational, aka MultiGenerational.Black, which is our web address. It’s a financial services company whose mission is to accelerate America’s journey to racial wealth parity, by making stock market investing accessible, especially for the first-time African American investor.

Typeform has allowed us to launch two MVPs and a workshop!

The MGB Investing Starter Kit $5 waitlist is our most popular product, but we have also launched the MGB 401(k) program $99 waitlist for Black-owned businesses.


And next week, I will be doing my first seminar, the MGB Investing Starter Kit Workshop, for $97.79, giving people the steps and tools to get them started with investing. That’s the most recent use case, and that link is here: 

We integrate with Stripe and Google Sheets, and it has been seamless and so useful. We have revenue because of Typeform!


My favorite thing about the product is how beautiful it is. I’m proud to send it to potential clients. It’s also so easy to use and change. It’s a great service. I used a template to get the product above, that was easy! 

What do I wish: I would love if Typeform could integrate with Wix, which is my website platform, and how I’m currently doing my CRM. 

I would also love for the image sharing to use as one of the sources, because I really like amplifying the work of Black creators.

Thanks for asking, Gabi. Happy to be here, and now to be designated a ‘schmoozer!’




Gabi Amaral
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  • April 20, 2022

Hey @Silvio Ribeiro! Thanks for sharing! 😉 Why don't you ask your question about Make in a new topic tagging Michaela? That'd be easier for her to help you! 🙏🏼 My only feedback is about the Let's Get Started form. The first question you ask "Tell us about yourself" and then you write "tell us your first and last name". I was a bit confusing if you wanted to know my name or my use case. It'd be good to be more specific on this one! Just a thought, of course 😊

Welcome to our Community @Leslie MGB! Your use case is very inspiring! 😍 I'm happy to know it has been easy to integrate your form with Stripe and Google Sheets. And how did you first hear about Typeform? Have you thought about using VideoAsk as well? 

I'd also love to know if you have other forms that you can share with us? The first one is very simple and straightforward, I like it! Your customers will be able to book personal appointments with you as well? If yes, you can think about using our integration with Calendly in the future! 😉

Last but not least, if you want to interact more with us and our Community, make sure to check the "Community Talk" section, where we have a lot of interesting off-topic threads! 🙌🏼

Leslie MGB
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  • April 20, 2022

Hi Gabi!

Thanks for your kind words. VideoAsk is inspiring, I will definitely consider using it. I can’t think of a way right now to do so, but I’m certainly open to it.

Here’s our top seller, our MGB Investing Starter Kit $5 waitlist.  


Let me know what you think? It has been great!




Gabi Amaral
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  • April 22, 2022

Hi @Leslie MGB! How are you doing today? I'm sure @Grace over here will be able to help you if you need ideas on how to use VideoAsk! 

Oh, so let me see if I understand. On this form, your leads will pay 5 dollars to be on your waitlist? I think it's very easy and intuitive, which is good. May I ask how you're you're collecting the amount? You can add a payment question and connect it to Stripe. Have you ever thought about that? 

I was also curious to ask about the images of each question. Were these random choices? 

Wishing you a great day!

Leslie MGB
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  • April 22, 2022

Hi Gabi! Thanks so much for taking a look! Yes, our clients pay $5 to be on our waitlist, inspired by and similar to what Tesla did for their model X and cybertruck. And yes, we link to Stripe for the payment. It has been seamless, thanks! 

And I will reach out to Grace, thanks for the suggestion.


The images—I tried to use images from Black photographers. A couple of them are my own photos. One of the things that I like about Typeform is the ability to add images, so thanks for asking about that! I picked images I like, that felt in alignment with the flow of money, if that makes sense at all.


I try to change them seasonally, so thanks for the reminder—it’s spring, time to shift it up!




Gabi Amaral
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  • April 25, 2022

Hi @Leslie MGB! It's great to hear from you! Oh, I'm glad to hear you've been using our integration with Stripe and is working well. Do you happen to have more feedback about that? Also, are you using any of our other integrations in your form? 

Using photos from Black photographers only is very meaningful. Beautiful! Wow, didn't know you take photos as well. Feel free to ask for feedback once you change them for this season. Will be happy to share my impressions with you! 😉