How to make Video Ask statements mandatory? | Community
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How to make Video Ask statements mandatory?

  • November 10, 2021
  • 9 replies

Hello Community,

I experience the following challenge and would love to get some thoughts from you guys on the topic:

Built a Typeform in which I embedded 2 Video Asks - all works out fine. The thing is just that one of the 2 Video Ask shall be a “mandatory” answer meaning respondents must answer via video in order to move on. Is there any way to have a video ask embedded as mandatory question?

Thanks for your help

Best answer by Grace

Hey @Bjoern1987 right now VideoAsk doesn’t have a “required answer” feature so it wouldn’t be possible to make the step within the videoask mandatory, if you wanted to share a bit more info about your use case or even the link to your typeform or videoask we could take a look and see if there are any workarounds we can suggest :thinking:

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  • November 10, 2021

Hi @Bjoern1987 Welcome to the community! Happy to have you here. :grinning:

When you’re in the settings for your form, you have the option to only turn on the video option like shown below, which would then only allow the respondent to answer via video. Is this what you’re looking for? 

Tagging @Maya and @Grace in case they happen to have any other suggestions I’m missing!

Also don’t mind the lovely screen capture of my face here HA! :rofl:

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  • November 11, 2021

Hi Liz thank you very much for your reply. That's actually not what I meant/ the challenge is that I face.

The video ask is embedded within a Typeform (say a "statement" with an embedded video). In either way I can only switch the TF answer to "required" but not the video ask itself. So respondents can easily "click" and move on without answering via video. The whole idea though is that people MUST ANSWER either via video or audio. Do you know what I mean? 


Thx for helping out guys 

Cheers Björn 





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  • November 11, 2021

Hi @Bjoern1987 I’m afraid I don’t know a solution to this, but possibly @Maya or @Grace have encountered this previously and can help!

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  • November 12, 2021

Hi @Liz thank you. @Maya or @Grace do you have any idea or workaround?


Happy Friday & best regards


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  • November 12, 2021

Hey @Bjoern1987 right now VideoAsk doesn’t have a “required answer” feature so it wouldn’t be possible to make the step within the videoask mandatory, if you wanted to share a bit more info about your use case or even the link to your typeform or videoask we could take a look and see if there are any workarounds we can suggest :thinking:

I’m curious is Video Ask going to change that. I might stop using it if that’s not something we can enforce.


Most of my respondents are skipping questions, but I’m using my VideoAsk to triage potential clients, and without this feature I can’t do that.


Hi @AlessandraW, thanks for raising this concern and sharing your feedback.

If you’re embedding a videoask within a typeform, it’s not currently possible to force the respondent to complete the videoask before advancing to the next step.

That being said, you could use the following workaround:

  • Create a typeform with the questions leading up to your videoask
  • Redirect from the typeform to your videoask
  • At the end of the videoask, redirect to another typeform for the remaining questions

In this scenario, the respondent must complete the videoask to advance to the next set of questions in the typeform.

The only downside of this approach is that your answers will be distributed across three forms (typeform, videoask, typeform) rather than two (typeform, videoask). However, you should be able to use a tool like Google Sheets to consolidate all the respondent data into one interface.

I know this isn’t an ideal solution, but it’s a workaround you can try until this feature becomes available out of the box. In the meantime, I’ve noted your suggestion internally in our feature request board. Hopefully it’s something our product team will add in the future!

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  • October 22, 2023

Thanks for sharing this workaround. I have embedded the videoask in my typeform as a statement question but cant make it mandatory. 

Has this been resolved? 

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  • October 24, 2023

Hey @ACC at the moment it’s still not possible to make the videoask embed mandatory.

@Liz had a suggestion to add it to a yes/no question and setting that as required, for example - “Are you ready to move on to the next question?” yes/no

Could be another workaround to consider 🤔
