Where to find 'delay interaction' option in Typeform Settings | Community
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Where to find 'delay interaction' option in Typeform Settings

  • September 3, 2023
  • 6 replies

Hi, I’m creating a survey with Typeform (not VideoAsk) and I don’t want the continue/ok button to appear immediately a slide is opened by the audience. I want the button delayed a bit so they don’t immediately see it and then scroll through all the questions right away.

Please note that I’ve seen this answer and accompanying screenshot here but it is not helpful for me because I don’t see the ‘Delay Interaction’ option in my Typeform settings. This is all I see in my settings:


How do I locate the ‘Delay Interaction’ option? Specifically in Typeform, not VideoAsk.
Thanks in advance for your kind assistance.

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  • September 4, 2023

Hey @Amiable welcome to the community!

They delay interaction feature is only available on VideoAsk at the moment, so it’s not possible to set it up for a typeform. 

It’s a great feature request though, would you mind providing a bit more information about why you want to delay the interaction on a first step so we can feed this back to the product team? Thanks! 😊

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  • September 4, 2023

Thanks for your prompt reply, Grace. I though it’ll be great for real-time survey presentation, so that the presenter can moderate the pace at which the audience goes through the survey.

I needed it because I want to present my form during a training session, not just sharing the link for people to complete on their own. If I can delay the appearance of the ‘continue’ button after each question, I’ll have a few minutes for real-time feedback before proceeding to the next.

But if the audience can already scroll through all the questions once they open the form, it could be a buzz kill especially when each of the question is supposed to be a big reveal or a build-up from the last one. It would be nice to see this feature added in Typeform too.

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  • September 4, 2023

Hey @Amiable thanks for providing more information about how you want to use Typeform, sounds like a really great way to get interactive with the form.

I’m tagging in @Liz @john.desborough @Darnell here just in case any of them have some ideas of how you could execute something like this! 

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • September 4, 2023

@Grace @Amiable - one way i did something similar, for a presentation at a ‘youth entrepreneur’ event, was to create a 10 question quiz, with each question a separate typeform. all of them were published BUT ‘closed’. 

As i went through the intro slides i opened up the first typeform for submission BUT the “submit button’ text read “Wait till i tell you press the button” .. i showed the link to the first form and asked the audience to go to that form and put in their answers BUT  TO WAIT UNTIL I TOLD THEM TO PUSH THE BUTTON. otherwise, they would not get to the next question (ie form closed) . 

When i was ready to have them push the button, i opened the form for submission. the users were redirected to the next typeform

repeat for each section. 

i used one laptop for the presentation and used another to drive the typeforms. all the typeforms were connected to the same google sheet and the data records were linked across the tabs by an email address the users input and collated on a separate reporting tab - which i used to generate some of the stats on the details entered by the users. 


not the best solution but it worked for me



  • Tastemaker
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  • September 4, 2023

Thanks for the tag, @Grace.

@Amiable - since the ‘delay interaction’ feature not yet being available on Typeform, wouldn’t making each question ‘required’ prevent your audience from scrolling through all the questions w/o inputing data? That’s the only workaround I can think of ATM...

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  • September 4, 2023

@john.desborough that was quite a workaround! Glad it worked out for you but I don’t have the capacity for such heavy-lifting at the moment.

@Darnell of course, I’ve made each question ‘required’ but even with that, curious people would still select an answer option quickly within seconds just to see what comes up next. Adult learners aren’t that patient 😅 They’ll be done with all the questions before you finish the feedback from question one.

John Desborough’s approach which is aimed at pausing the progression entirely and continuing when appropriate would be the ideal fix but I don’t have the luxury of time to do that now.

Anyways, many thanks for all your prompt input @Grace, @john.desborough, @Darnell, much appreciated!
