Custom HTML Email in Follow Ups | Community
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Hi! I’m trying to add design to Follow Ups emails to responders without adding a third party integration service. I have an HTML code that when I paste, I am just getting the code emailed to me. Any thoughts? The “How To” video says you can past in custom code so curious why it’s not working. 

Hi @jordanakozy Happy Wednesday! We don’t currently support code in our emails, and while it is possible to add, we may not be able to support any issues with the code itself. 😐

Do you mind sharing a screenshot of the code you’re adding into the follow-ups? 

Yes see here! Do I need to format differently?


@mathio do you know if this is most likely not working due to all the formatting in the code? 

I dont think we support HTML in the email content. @Liz please confirm this internally with the team that built this feature.

This would be an incredible feature to include. 
