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[Under the Hood] A closer look inside our new and improved HubSpot integration 🔎 🧑‍🔧

  • 11 November 2021
  • 26 replies
[Under the Hood] A closer look inside our new and improved HubSpot integration 🔎 🧑‍🔧

Greetings Community!


It’s been a minute and might I say, it feels good to be back with you all. Today I have the privilege of sharing some ✨ very exciting news ✨. For many of you, this may come as a big relief too. After months of development, we are thrilled to announce that our second version—a MUCH improved version—of our HubSpot integration is live!!


Thank you to all of you who’ve shared your feedback, wrote in to tell us how much of a pain in the a** it was to not be able to edit the integration (we listened!), and to remain patient as we worked to develop v2 of this integration so that it can meet all of your HubSpot and Typeform needs!!


Integration overview


If you’re a longtime user of the HubSpot and Typeform integration, you can skip down to read about the big changes we’ve made to this updated version. But for those of you who may be new to HubSpot or perhaps use HubSpot and Typeform to run your business but didn’t know we had an integration (surprise!!), let’s quickly review some of the key highlights of why Typeform and HubSpot work better, together:

  • With HubSpot and Typeform you can convert your leads into more than just customers—turn them into champions and promoters too—and get the data you need to understand what works and how best to follow up.

  • You can use Typeform to create beautiful lead gen forms, quizzes, and sign-up forms that capture more leads, and integrate with HubSpot to help you better track, segment, and understand your audience’s journey—including what source they came from—and significantly cut down on conversion time.

  • With the HubSpot integration for Typeform, you can map a variety of Typeform questions (e.g. short text, email, website, dropdown) to specific HubSpot properties, automatically syncing the response data you receive from your typeform submissions to your HubSpot dashboard so that you and your colleagues can instantly access it and have it stored in your HubSpot CRM in addition to your results panel in Typeform.

  • There’s no need to chase after multiple data sources—everything’s in HubSpot, ready for you to act upon and analyze, whether it’s to nurture a lead via a follow-up email or to analyze the performance of your marketing campaigns.


What’s New in v2?!

Alright, now let’s dive into the fun stuff—what changed?!?!


Well first: the HubSpot integration is now FREE for all Typeform users, meaning that it’s now available on ➡️  ALL TYPEFORM PLANS ⬅️, including our free plan! Previously it was only available on our top-tier paid plans but we figured why not let everyone have access to it?! That means that as soon as you sign up for Typeform, you can start using the HubSpot integration, provided that you already have a HubSpot account. And if not, go ahead and sign up for HubSpot too and see what this integration is all about!


And the next big announcement! You can now edit the HubSpot integration!! If you previously used our HubSpot integration then you know that this is a BIG DEAL. Now, if you want to add another question to your typeform and map those responses to HubSpot, or realize that you want to change the mapping of a question to another field in HubSpot, or make any tweak to the integration, be it small or large, you can do that! You no longer need to delete the integration and start from scratch which we know was seriously frustrating for many of you.



Before we dive even deeper into the new features and changes, here’s a demo of the HubSpot v2 integration for Typeform in action. 



Create and update contact, company, and deal records


With the previous version of the HubSpot integration for Typeform you were only able to create and update Contacts in HubSpot. Now you can still do that, plus you can create and update Company records and Deal records too!


In addition you can create records for multiple HubSpot objects from a single form response. This means that you can now create a contact, company, and deal from a single typeform response submission.


Let’s take a look:



In this typeform I’ve mapped certain questions to certain HubSpot properties across the Contacts, Companies, and Deals records so that different people from my team can access different pieces of relevant information, and they’re easy to locate across the respective dashboards. In a few instances, I mapped the same questions to different HubSpot fields depending on the record type, as this information is pertinent in both places.


Additionally with this updated integration, you can customize the parameters (aka the user-defined key) for which existing records are updated.


For Contact records, the contact will automatically update if it matches an email address that is already listed in HubSpot. See here:



However, if you don’t map a question that links to an email field in HubSpot, then you can choose which properties to match on. For example, you may know that if someone with the same first name, last name, and company name re-submits the same typeform, it’s probably the same person and therefore you don’t need a duplicate contact record. If you don’t choose any properties, then new contacts will be created every time someone re-submits the typeform.



This type of functionality is also available for updating Companies records. With companies, a new record will automatically update if it matches an existing company website (“company domain name”) but if you don’t have that HubSpot field mapped in your typeform integration set-up, then you can select which properties to match on.


Here’s what it’ll look like if you include a question that maps to Company Domain Name (aka company website) in your integration set-up:



And here’s what it’ll look like if you don’t have a question that maps to Company Domain Name:



For Deals records, there are no defined fields that will auto-update an existing deal record. Rather, you get to decide what properties will trigger an automatic update of an existing deal record. In this case I’ve chosen to update based on the property, “Deal Name”:



New mappable question types added


We’d like to think that Typeform has improved a lot since we first built the HubSpot integration back in 2018. One of the ways in which we’ve really grown is the number of question blocks that you can add when building your typeform.


Now with this new version of the integration, you can map to even more question types including score variables, appointments, and hidden fields. In fact, the only question types that are not compatible with the HubSpot integration mapping are Matrix questions, Ranked choice questions, and Payment questions. You can still have those questions in your typeform, you just can’t map them to corresponding fields in HubSpot 😎


Additionally, with this version, you can create multiple outcome endings and map those to HubSpot Contacts, Companies, or Deal records too. You can also include an “other” choice in your multiple choice questions and that write-in text field will now map to HubSpot too!


Improved setup functionality


We wanted to make the setup flow easier for the HubSpot integration and one of the ways we did that was to make the entire experience more visual.


Now, when creating the integration setup flow, you’ll notice that the Typeform question choices have corresponding icons to match their question type.



Similarly, the icons for the HubSpot fields indicate the property type in HubSpot, for example whether it’s text, dropdown, number, or string.


Additionally, you can now search within the setup flow—for both typeform questions and HubSpot properties. This makes it a lot easier to find the questions you want to map, especially if you have a typeform with a lot of questions.



Source tracking


As always, you can enable source tracking with the HubSpot integration to understand where people are coming from. So, for example, if your typeform lives in a few places—on your website, in an email, shared via LinkedIn—you can see which channel is performing the best. Just make sure to notify your audience that you’re using cookies 🍪 🍪



Alright folks, that’s all for now! We hope you give this integration a try and let us know your thoughts in the comments below. If you have questions, drop those below too! 


And, if you’d be so kind, please leave us a review on HubSpot once you’ve given the integration a try. We’d really, really appreciate it 🤩


26 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Hi @kevinkru. The mention of appointments in this context refers to appointments booked through Calendly since we have an integration with them. These appointment details can now be mapped to your Hubspot CRM. 

Unfortunately, we don’t integrate with Hubspot meetings in the same way as we do with Calendly today, but this is something that we will be looking into in the future. 

I hope your experience with the integration has been a positive one outside of this missing functionality. If it has, we’d appreciate it if you could share a positive review on Hubspot’s app marketplace-
