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Hey Community peeps! 


Phoebe from the VideoAsk Education team here. 


I absolutely love to shop but feel skeptical when I’m not familiar with the brand or store. By embedding a videoask on your Shopify site, you can overcome those barriers by personalizing the experience with video. 


Here are a few examples of how to use VideoAsk in your shopping experience:

  • Welcome visitors to your store and build trust with your customers
  • Create an interactive FAQ
  • Demonstrate your products and match the customer to the right product
  • Answer customer questions 

📹 Here’s a walkthrough guide on how you can embed a videoask on your Shopify store:



You’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to set this up over on the VideoAsk Help Center here.

And if you need a little help creating a videoask for your store page, go take a look at some of our tips and inspiration:


🌟 Check out some of our other embed guides in the VideoAsk Embeds 101 series:


If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know in the comments section below. Catch you on the flip side✌️

So helpful! Thanks @Phoebe VA 🤩!

Great idea @Phoebe VA ! Thanks for showing us how it’s done 😁

@Phoebe VA - love this.. thank you!!


This is really cool @Phoebe VA thanks for sharing! 

