
Partial Completion

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Hi. Made a survey today and sent out the link to 10+ people. Unfortunately, no results are shown, even tough the counter says 44 Views. (Please do not tell me that only fully completed surveys are shown in «results«)

How comes? Until 5 minutes ago, i was a Typeform-Fanboy. Right now, I’m not anymore.

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Hello @Rick! Welcome to our Community! :blush:

I've moved your question to this thread where you'll be able to find more details about your request. Unfortunately, if your respondents did not hit the button "submit", then I'm afraid their responses won't be recorded.

Let me know if you need anything else! We'd be happy to help! :blue_heart:

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Hi @Emplate This isn’t a feature we have offered in our forms yet, but this is something the developers are working on. I don’t have a timeframe for this, but as soon as I have updates, I’ll post them here. :grin:

Userlevel 1

Sheesh this is insane. Isn’t that the whole point of multi-step forms?

Users have short attention spans and some don’t even know they need to click submit.

Thank god I saw this. Was about to sign up for a paid plan until this 😂

Your plan isn’t $29/month, it’s way more than that. If I spend $2000 on paid ads to drive traffic to my form, at least half or $1000 goes down the drain via incomplete submissions. So my cost from using Typeform is actually $1029+/month. Ridiculous.

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Hi @jzhuat Thanks for stopping by and sharing your feedback! Part of the reason we require the respondents to click the submit button to enter their data is to be sure that they’re ready to share this information with you. Though, I can see how partial data would be handy to have, and this is something our developers are working on. 

In the meantime, you can connect your form to Google Analytics to see where your respondents are dropping off in the form and make adjustments so you receive more full submissions. :grinning: Hopefully that helps/clarify a bit!

This would make the app perfect! 9/10 answered questions is still really valuable...

This is frustrating after I finally set this up I have to move to a new platform

Userlevel 1

Any update on where the developers are at with releasing this feature? Desperately need the data from partially completed forms and I’m worried I will have to move away from using Typeform in order to get this functionality elsewhere.


Is it possible to save the answers of users who leave the questionnaire?

Userlevel 2
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If someone exits the survey early will I still be able to save the data for the questions they have answered or will they not be saved?


If it is the latter, is there a way to split the survey into two parts so people can choose to complete either one or two sections and we can save the data from the section/s they do complete?


Thanks for your help!




Userlevel 7
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Hi @eunsung Thanks for stopping by the community! I added your post here where we have the answer and you can receive updates about this feature. 

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Hi @Fglace thanks for stopping by the community! I’ve added your post here where we have the answer and you can receive updates as we work on this feature. 

In the meantime, this article here has instructions on splitting your form and passing information between the two. :grinning:

Userlevel 2
  1. Is there any update on this key feature? Most other form offerings have this. Splitting the form is not the most elegant solution as to get response data one will need to download/combine 2 different tables 
  1. Is it even there on the roadmap?

Has this feature been built already ? 
I see this as a must have if we would be to continue using typeform as our tool 

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Hi @brice_ankor I’m afraid we don’t currently have this feature, but we’ll update this post if anything changes. :grinning:

Userlevel 1

Hi everyone! Great news — you can start capturing partially complete Typeform responses in <90 sec (using some third-party tracking):

Simply copy & paste this tracking code into Google Tag Manager, add GTM to your Typeform, and you’re all set!

Now you can track partial entries & recover abandoned forms from Typeform in just a few clicks :)

Typeform also saves incomplete responses in the browser by default, so returning users can pick up where they left off. Hope this helps!

Is it possible to just capture the email address? In online mareting its common to have “abandoned cart emails” so the system automatically saves emails even if people do not convert/submit but you still saved the lead and can follow up with them via email. This would really make sense for typeform, does that already work somehow? 

Userlevel 1

Is it possible to just capture the email address?

Yes @Kevinliba, this is exactly what the Insiteful form tracking code (linked above) does for you! You will receive an "abandoned form" email anytime a phone or email lead is captured from the partial entries / incomplete responses to your Typeform(s). You can even setup automatic follow-up emails to recover leads from these abandoned froms!

Hope this helps :)

Userlevel 1

Is there a way to start a survey but not complete it until later? Are answers in a survey not yet submitted saved for later completion and submission?


Userlevel 7
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Hi @PeterCBOgrants I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. :grinning:

I am trying to think if Typeform is the right solution or not.
I will be using it for lead generation, I am wondering if a lead decides to leave the form at the middle of filling information, Can typeform capture those information of unfinished form?

Userlevel 7
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Hi @ehsan.jahandarpour I added your post here where we have the answer. :grinning:

Userlevel 1

Survey monkey works the same way as Typeform, I think -- I say that because SM provides an explanation (Typeform doesn't) but Typeform behaves the same way. If you exit out of a partially completed survey, and later click the survey link and you're on the same computer and browser it will retain your answers and let you pick up from where you left off. It retains the answers in your browser.

Userlevel 2

Just another paid user chiming in that this is one of my top 3 most important features and not having it is a strong incentive to switch to another product. 

And another paid user chiming in: I also really want this feature. Would be happy if you could move this up the priority ladder. Thanks.
