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Can TypeForm show the data if a user only partially completes the form and leaves before pressing “send”.

This tool is available on other platforms which is especially useful for NPS surveys where they have a score then some follow-up questions.

Or do we have to do this in stages? (not optimal!)

Hi @Liz - there isn’t really an answer other than you were working on it a year ago. Is there any progress or a hoped for timeframe please? Is this still being worked on or has it been abandoned?

Hi @elisonv I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. 😀

Thank you @Liz are you working on this implementation ? 
When do you plan to offer this feature ?

Hi @elisonv No, I’m afraid not. I’ll post any updates in the thread if we have plans to implement this. 

Yes please do so @Liz! And is there a way that we can check if someone started working on the questionnaire but didn't submit the answer ? Thank you! 

Hi @elisonv This isn’t a feature we currently offer, but keep an eye on the community in case that changes in the future. 

That’s insane! How is this still not fixed and everyday paying customers are losing data, unaware of Typeforms shortcomings. 

Hi @Meltemi This isn’t currently a bug in our platform but rather a feature we don’t have. If this is a feature our product team decides to pursue, we’ll post about it here. In the meantime, definitely utilize the workarounds suggested!

To work around this, you could split your form into smaller ones and redirect the respondent to the following form. Here is a good Help Center article for your reference if you decide to try.


The fact that this workaround exists means that the original reason given for why this feature doesn’t exist is not valid:

Typeform when someone hits the "Submit" button, which serves as consent from the respondent to have their answers recorded.


If it’s possible to chain together a bunch of different typeforms, then this point is moot. All it does it make it really insanely annoying for Typeform customers.

Given that the original person who provided this explanation is no longer at Typeform, perhaps it’s time for Typeform to re-evaluate this decision?

Thanks for the feedback, @seanl , we’ll share this with product. 🙂

Does anyone know if you can contact via TypeForm those respondents who have started and saved a response but not yet completed the submission and hit ‘submit’?

I would love to be able to remind them to go back in and complete etc.

Thanks for your help!

Hi @PNorman I’ve added your post here where we have more information on tracking partial responses. 

If someone would fill up some of my survey, and than get tired and quit, will I still get the answers they did write to me?

Hi @Leora I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. 😀

Hi @Leora I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. 😀

Any plan to implement this feature? Is this on the roadmap? I was interested in buying a plan, but if you don’t have partial completion, better to look for another solution.

Alternatively, if this is complicated to integrate the feature due to a storage issue at your backend level, is there an option to expose the data through your callbacks?

I agree that it won't be a solution for non-tech people to get the information, but for those who have a dev, that would also them to get the data.

If you could:

  1. expose the window.rendererData.form JSON definition of the form in the onReady callback.
  2. expose data about the last question in the onQuestionChanged callback

Instead of:

ref: 'current_question_id',
formId: 'form_id'

Modify it so that it contains data about the previous question:

formId: 'form_id',
current: {
ref: 'current_question_id'
previous: {
    ref: 'previous_question_id',
    type: '',
    reply: ''


That would make it possible to get the information.

Sometimes respondents don’t finish my quiz, but why can’t I see what they did fill out so far? Is that on the business account? 

Hi @carlysell I’ve added your post here where the question has been asked. 😊

Hello, i'm braziliam

How can I rescue contacts from leads that didn't complete the registration?


Hi @ALEXIA KESIA I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. 😀

I see how many views and starts but don’t get the data until they complete it. Could I get access to those who have started it and didn’t complete it? 

Hi @KatieSmith I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. 

Can TypeForm show the data if a user only partially completes the form and leaves before pressing “send”.

This tool is available on other platforms which is especially useful for NPS surveys where they have a score then some follow-up questions.

Or do we have to do this in stages? (not optimal!)

How is this still not implemented????? Just because of this you lose me and all my clients as customers its mind boggling how I come back here every few months and its still not implemented

Hi @Henry1111 Thanks for stopping by! Our product team has quite a few features they’re working on and exploring, this being one of them. There are no concrete plans at this time, but if that changes, we’ll post an update here.

This thread is mind-boggling.




I would like to know what people started the form but did not end it ?

Do you know how can i do ?

thanks a lot,

