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Can TypeForm show the data if a user only partially completes the form and leaves before pressing “send”.

This tool is available on other platforms which is especially useful for NPS surveys where they have a score then some follow-up questions.

Or do we have to do this in stages? (not optimal!)

Ah, got it @CatLang . That makes sense. If you’ve got a longer form, you could also break it up into a few different forms so it also appears shorter for the respondent too and you don’t lose too many responses along the way if you don’t have questions set to required. Hopefully it’s a feature we can add soon in the future!


Unfortunately, the lack of this feature is a massive turn off, since the purpose of these forms is to gather data, so surely anything that leads to loss of data has to be bad for the core offerings of your product and customers.


Even though your suggestion here might work, doesn’t this cause our already tiny allowance of submission to dwindle really quickly? Not to mention that Typeform is already extremely limited in that regard when competitors offer unlimited submissions on their higher plans.


I really hope there is no conflict of interest here, whereby the lack of this feature forces us to upgrade to more expensive tiers.



@Motje - welcome to the community from a fellow user… 

I find your statement above confusing - on a free plan, like with many many other software applications out there in the world, there is limited capability and limited functionality. In order to get access to greater capability and functionality you pay for those. This is standard for the SaaS software industry. And for most other software applications as well. 

Given the nature of survey designs and logic paths that we might force users to go through until they are satisfied with their answers or have gone through all the hoops and ladders of our convoluted logic paths, I can understand and appreciate why the data is not recorded until the user submits. 

It is up to us, as the designers of our information collection ‘survey’, come up with the optimal way to implement our requirements in whatever tool we choose to use.. At this point, for the purposes that I have in my business model - based on typeforms, I have found ways to make my long surveys into a series of shorter surveys that allow me to capture the user data after completing each question group and not have any issues. 

in order to do so, it requires that i will have to upgrade my plan to enable my business model but that is a cost of business for me.



Hi des


I don’t know why you assumed that I am on a free plan, I am actually a paying customer, but when you get an allowance of only 1k submission p/m for the essential plan and 5k on the professional, we don’t have the luxury of making long surveys into a series of shorter surveys, because that would mean that just one survey can easily deplete our whole monthly quota. even their highest premium plan is only 10k p/m. Many competitors offer unlimited submissions on their highest plans. 


@Motje - i made no assumptions at all.. i merely stated that like many organizations, free plans have limited capabilities. And I agree with you on the fact the limits can be challenging, however, if i am getting that many responses and not converting them into revenue, which in turn drives higher levels of subscription needed, then i have a different issue. 

I think it comes down to the business model/case that you are under when it comes to determining your plan and which tools you will use - i know that is the case for me. And, personally, while i may not be a total fan of how they are pricing it, Typeform is the platform on which i am basing my business. 



Is it possible to send a responded reminder notification when the responder did not finish the form or exit it?


Hey @CG2021. Happy Thursday =)


I moved your question here where the answer is. Since it's not possible to collect partial results, it wouldn't be possible to send follow-up emails either. Let us know if you have any questions related to that!


We would like to use Typeform to collect answers for one of our clients. We expect long answers and are afraid people won’t complete it in one shot.

I’ve read the Help Center post about the Save and Return here:

We’ve tested on one of our typeforms but with no success: once closing and returning on the link, the typeform always starts again from the beginning. The browser doesn’t seem to keep any information.

I wondered if the feature was unavailable with a free plan?

Best regards,




Hi @Matthew. Welcome to our Community and thanks for posting this feedback! =)


I can see how this option would be useful, but at the moment, responses are only saved by Typeform when someone hits the "Submit" button, which serves as consent from the respondent to have their answers recorded. This means that if they don't submit the form, you won't be able to collect their responses. 


In case you are wondering, answers will be kept safely in the respondent browser's local storage, for 15 days. Long story short: they can start your typeform, close it, and return later without losing their answers.


To work around this, you could split your form into smaller ones and redirect the respondent to the following form. Here is a good Help Center article for your reference if you decide to try. 


Lastly, please keep your feedback coming! We'll be happy to hear your thoughts or any further feedback you have. 😊


thank you


when i do this, and if i turn on time to complete at welcome screen.

will it time the two form or just one.


That’s really a feature that is missed in Typeform.

I was sure that not finished responses are collected until I started digging in.

Are there any plans to change the behavior? It really limits the use-cases we can use Typeform in.


I fully understand the previous comments above about the complexity about the lack of autosave for the partial answers, it’s a real value proposition. 

We are all aware of the end users attention span. Breaking our forms into micro forms to submit frequently doesn’t ease the form management for the people orchestrating the forms and managing the logic maps and batch of answers, it doesn’t work in an industrial workflow. Also it doesn’t simplify the user experience. 

I will be delighted if we can address this subject with your development team, in order to understand the rational behind the fact that typeform doesn’t allow the auto-save after each question. 

Could we have an option to activate the autosave by asking a specific question in the beginning of the form: 

“Do you agree to send us your answer in real time after completing a question?”

If yes, the system pulls the answers as soon as the participant click on the next question. 

If no, the button submit is at the end to send the global answers. 


We do wonderful consultation for citizens and employees using typeform and our products, but it’s true that the unability to save the partial answers lead us to limit the potential of use cases with typeform. 


Today, if the answers are critical, we prefer to use Assembl Flash which allow the autosave. 


Is it possible to send a responded reminder notification when the responder did not finish the form or exit it?


While this not available in the main product this is a workflow that could be built using your favourite workflow tool (Integromat, Zapier,, ...) or with a Spreadsheet.

You should know the email address of people that are part of your pool. Make a script that checks the typeform responses and see if there email is in the list, if it’s not they havent answered, let’s remind them. 

Would that work?

Can TypeForm show the data if a user only partially completes the form and leaves before pressing “send”.

This tool is available on other platforms which is especially useful for NPS surveys where they have a score then some follow-up questions.

Or do we have to do this in stages? (not optimal!)

Ah, got it @CatLang . That makes sense. If you’ve got a longer form, you could also break it up into a few different forms so it also appears shorter for the respondent too and you don’t lose too many responses along the way if you don’t have questions set to required. Hopefully it’s a feature we can add soon in the future!


Unfortunately, the lack of this feature is a massive turn off, since the purpose of these forms is to gather data, so surely anything that leads to loss of data has to be bad for the core offerings of your product and customers.


Even though your suggestion here might work, doesn’t this cause our already tiny allowance of submission to dwindle really quickly? Not to mention that Typeform is already extremely limited in that regard when competitors offer unlimited submissions on their higher plans.


I really hope there is no conflict of interest here, whereby the lack of this feature forces us to upgrade to more expensive tiers.



@Motje - welcome to the community from a fellow user… 

I find your statement above confusing - on a free plan, like with many many other software applications out there in the world, there is limited capability and limited functionality. In order to get access to greater capability and functionality you pay for those. This is standard for the SaaS software industry. And for most other software applications as well. 

Given the nature of survey designs and logic paths that we might force users to go through until they are satisfied with their answers or have gone through all the hoops and ladders of our convoluted logic paths, I can understand and appreciate why the data is not recorded until the user submits. 

It is up to us, as the designers of our information collection ‘survey’, come up with the optimal way to implement our requirements in whatever tool we choose to use.. At this point, for the purposes that I have in my business model - based on typeforms, I have found ways to make my long surveys into a series of shorter surveys that allow me to capture the user data after completing each question group and not have any issues. 

in order to do so, it requires that i will have to upgrade my plan to enable my business model but that is a cost of business for me.


I find this lack of feature to be a massive miss. Data is important - and partial data for early questions is just a waste if not collected. Almost every other platform collects this data - free ones and paid ones - and the fact that this is not collected is massively frustrating. 


Why is there no consideration of this feature given the number of people that are asking for it??

Agree it is incredibly frustrating to find this out after setting up a survey. Really, what kind of survey tool doesn’t provide all the form data? It should at least be an option. Suggesting users haven’t agreed to send their data until they hit submit is ridiculous - users in many cases simply forgot to hit submit and would be quite disappointed that after their time filling the survey in the data was lost.  It is an issue that could very easily be dealt with with some information to the user at the beginning of the survey. For my use case as well, as much as I like many of the features of Typeform this will be the last time I use it for a survey unless this is resolved.  I simply can’t afford to lose as much data as Typeform loses.

Hello, I would like to ask if there is any possibility to see the results of some respondence if they started to fill in the questionair but haven't finished it and haven't submitted it?

Hi There,

I have a Form that asks users to fill a feedback survey.

I see a lot of drop-off at last page where they have to fill in their email and phone no. 

Is there any way I can see which users left at which stage/question?

I see that users fill some precious comments but I do not know how to reach out to them.


Hi @abhinav_13. Happy Monday! =)


I moved your question here where the answer is. If you’ve got a longer form, you could also break it up into a few different forms so it also appears shorter for the respondent too and you don’t lose too many responses. Hope the workaround helps!

Hi there- I’m new to Typeform and we’re considering switching from another NPS tool, Delighted. While I think Typeform has a much better UI/UX than Delighted and it offers many features we like, not capturing partially completed surveys is a concern. 

I see that this thread is a few months old. Any chance this feature has changed or is underway? 


Hi @Audrey Frederick Our developers have confirmed this is something they’re working on, but that’s about the extent I know for now. I’ll post as soon as they send more updates! :smile:

Hi!do u know wether it is possible to keep the results of a partially completed questionnaire? Up to now, I just see that the respondent has to SUBMIT. Otherwise, no track of his answers.

Thanks a million !


Hi @Fabrice B Happy Monday! I’ve added your question here where we have the answer. :grinning: Let us know if you have any other questions. 

Thanks a lot Liz!

We want this feature!

Joining the chorus of other users here who think its a bit nuts not to have access to abandoned questionnaires. This is such great software and a joy to use, but this is a serious flaw and such a shame. Really hope you guys reconsider your roadmap to add this. 

I need to design a form that a user can come back later to complete. If a user gets interrupted while completing a form, they currently have to start again from the beginning.


Is that possible with this product?

Hi @Ptochos Thanks for stopping by the community! I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. 

Would love this feature as well. At least an option to turn it on or off. Am considering paperform as an alternative to capture partial responses.

I’m just here to join the crowd that really need this feature. The lack of data collection on incomplete responses is making me consider alternatives.

I somewhat understand the noble intent behind the arugment that information that has not been ‘consentfully submitted’ at the end of a survey should not be saved. Yet, I don’t see the problem with saving data that respondents has willfully given throughout the survey.


I also understand the ‘make shorter surveys’-argument - but have to say that it does not at all defeat all the counter arguments. I’m looking into using surveys for lead-gen purposes, and any lead information lost may be pricy - so in case just a few respondents doesn’t hit the ‘submit’ on my 2-question survey, I’ll potentially be paying a large cost. 

Can someone from typeform (looking at you @Liz and @Mariana) elaborate on whether the lack of collection of impartial responses is a political decision, is a matter of issues in development/implementation or something entirely else?

I am clueless as to why this is not being prioritized. IMO a silver lining would be to allow the creators to choose whether to collect partial responses or not.


Other than thay, I’m a huge fan of typeform and would be super sad to have to leave due to the lack of this feature 😞 I really hope you reconsider this feature in your roadmap.
