Happy July community 🌞
June’s Round Up comes a little late - things have been particularly busy at Typeform in the past weeks and it was hard to find a few minutes to sit down and reflect about the past month 🧘🏽♂️
Perhaps the most important event of the last month was my birthday 🤣 My wife bought me cheese and wine (like every year) and my son made a very artistic drawing which I find ‘marvellous’. No idea what it means though.

I can’t confirm this information, but I heard that once Picasso said:
It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.
Needless to say, my son already has better painting skills than me.
June was Pride Month and that’s possibly the most remarkable thing about last month - not my birthday. Shout out to our very own
Regarding our community. I have some Q2 data to share with you that will make ya’ll proud:
📈 2664 new members joined the community in Q2 - Total member base is 5,850.
👀 22,000 folks visited the community in the same period - 15,000 of them new visitors.
🗣 1,100 conversations were initiated by our members.
👍🏽 The community gave a whoping 5,047 likes.
✅ 70% of all questions asked received a Best Answer or solution.
🙈 136,000 impressions on Google.
🖱10,000 clicks on Google.
Step by step we are growing this space, which is mainly thanks to our members and creators. Thank you!
Let’s do a recap of some of the content highlights from last month:
- Meaningful Mondays – We always start the week thoughtfully on the Typeform Community. During June,
@paul reflected on brand strategy and how to offer customers "special moments", while@ElinorSamuelsson shared some information about a partnership between BrightAct and Typeform that aims to help raise awareness of domestic violence.
- Workspace Invaders 👾 – The community team invaded two more Workspaces in June, revealing the Typeform wizardry behind the successes of marketing guru
@vickioneill and SwagUp Founder@mmartocci . Learn about Vicki's movie-related lead gen quiz, and how SwagUp used Typeform to launch their business.
- Webinar: Introducing Chat by Typeform – Curious about how to turn typeforms into chatbots? Rewatch our uber interesting webinar hosted by
@Jackie and@Cristina G from our Product team who explained how to get the most of Typeform's new Chat features.
- Product updates: New builder released – Product Manager
@Lena Haydt was on hand to explain the new changes to the Typeform builder and took the time to explain why we made them.
- Logic SOS – Typeform logic expert
@Jo-Shan - was on hand to save us from tangled branching with her video guide to avoiding skipped questions.
- New pricing plans explained –
@Marta from the Typeform Support team created an incredible set of videos to explain the differences between the old and new Typeform pricing plans.
- Hack Together -
@picsoung was joined by@mathio to unravel the hidden secrets of the Typeform Embed SDK in their live stream, which you can rewatch here.
- The Ultimate video marketing starter pack –
@joannadelaney from the VideoAsk team gave us a heads-up on a cool new free content pack to help you get your video marketing off the ground, including a guide to doing lead generation with VideoAsk.
- Office Hours –
@picsoung ,@Liz ,@James and@john.desborough got together to discuss some of the cool things you can do for some of Typeform's newest integrations.
That looks like a lot of action, my friends. thanks
As always, shout to our top community members for making this community a special place.
Thanks also to
May the forms be with you. 🪐