Hi @chargeguru I’m afraid it’s not possible yet to change the placeholders, but if that feature is added, we’ll post about it here. 
@Liz I think this is real big issue. We have the same problem and it’s a deal breaker for us in so far, that we can’t use the address and contact data cards.
@chargeguru We will probably switch to jotform.
Agreed. We are also looking into other options to have more flexibility in our forms than Typeform.
@Tonks Totally understand if you have to find another tool that suits your needs in the meantime. If we do update this, I’ll post so here!
I wanna change the question labels in the address form, because in the country I’m publishing my form in supports a different arrangement for the address.
Hi @YasmineMagddy I’ve added your post here where we have the answer. 
Hi Liz, is there any update when it will be able to adapt the current address formular? For us its a dealbreaker too at the moment.
Hi @JRS I don’t have any updates at this time, but I’ll post so here if I do. 
a client of ours also would like to request this feature - please add at least the possibility to have no placeholders at all if making them customizable is too hard to do. Please also think about your customers outside of the US.
Is there any progress on this? We are launching a service that will predominantly interesting the UK and having US addresses as placeholder might turn confusing for customers.
We would also like to stress this again - no placeholders would be better than plain wrong placeholders!
@Liz Any ETA on when a decision on this will be taken?
Hi @Michael420 No updates at this time, but as always, I’ll post any here. 
I am considering moveing to Typeform from another form. I was thinking that Typeform must be fully featured. But now I see that this most basic and simple of features is not only missing, but that an extremely short sighted and parochial implementation has been used. Apparently typeform management cannot imagine why a California address is not just perfect for everyone. So much for diversity of thought. I see that 6 months after this original question has been posted, there is still no solution, no ETA, just platitudes, in fact Typeform may never change this for all we know. But they are alerady working on the next thing, an AI conversataional form. Better fix the absolute basic requirements of a form, any form, than dream about an AI future.
Hi @Nextlevelbros Thanks for stopping by and sharing this! While this isn’t a feature currently in the works, if that does change, we’ll post about it here.
Please can you let me know when this update comes into place, my company has just started using Typeform and we are based in Europe and UK and need the placeholders to be customisable for this.
The way around it is to create a short text or long text and make the user fill out their address in that.
When can we expect this to be developed?
Hi @ellenkoutsou Thanks for stopping by! There are no plans for this currently, but if that changes, we’ll post so here.
Hi @Liz,
that’s sad to hear - it will probably leave us with no other choice than recommending to our customer to move to a different, more feature rich platform as this is simply not feasible for european companies.
Please keep us posted, if this will change, it is literally not that big of a change and the interest in here seems high as you can see.
@markus_ste totally understand, and I’ll update you here if the product team does add this feature.
Is it possible to change Jeane Smith to another name in the data autofill field? My form is in Spanish and that name gives another impression…
We are on fire with this!..
Do you have any update for this?
Hi @desarrollo-genio I’m afraid no updates on this feature at this time. 
First time user here and come up against a stumbling block with bizarre placeholder names on the form fields. They could just be blank. Much simpler.
Hi @lewisc87 Welcome to typeform and thanks for sharing the feedback! The placeholder names are general names in the fields, but I can share this feedback from your experience to the product team. 
It's surprising that it’s taking almost a year to implement such a straightforward feature. Placeholders are fundamental to forms.
Still no news? I got so many complaints from my clients about that. If it’s not possible to change, why is there no feature to at least hide the placeholder text?