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  • Tastemaker
  • 342 replies
  • July 6, 2022

@Gabi Amaral yes, I will be more careful and I hope it goes back to how it used to be, ha!

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1779 replies
  • July 8, 2022

I'm sure it will, @Darnell

Yesterday, @James @Grace and I (and some other Typeform friends) had a community offsite here in Barcelona! (We missed you @Liz!). Here'a photo of the barbecue James brilliantly made (Besides creating incredible content pieces, the man can cook as well! 😂)

 That's it! Hope you have an amazing weekend! @john.desborough @Darnell @ActionJackson @the conservative 

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  • 678 replies
  • July 8, 2022
Gabi Amaral wrote:

I'm sure it will, @Darnell

Yesterday, @James @Grace and I (and some other Typeform friends) had a community offsite here in Barcelona! (We missed you @Liz!). Here'a photo of the barbecue James brilliantly made (Besides creating incredible content pieces, the man can cook as well! 😂)

 That's it! Hope you have an amazing weekend! @john.desborough @Darnell @ActionJackson @the conservative 


Was a real hoot @Gabi Amaral @Grace @suzieq @Reka - thanks all for coming and making it so special. Looking forward to more of these events!
BTW @john.desborough if you (or anyone else here) have some experience building a tiki bar let us know - that’s what we’ll be doing at our next get together in a couple of weeks, so maybe you can join (even if it’s only remotely) and bark instructions at us with something tropical in your hand 🍹

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  • July 8, 2022

It certainly was a hoot @James thank you for your hospitality! 🍔 now I’ve seen this pic I’m ready for another BBQ 😂

Looking forward to getting cracking on project tiki bar in the next few weeks, we’ll be sure to share pics of our progress here to get feedback and opinions from everyone 😆


  • Tastemaker
  • 342 replies
  • July 8, 2022
Gabi Amaral wrote:

I'm sure it will, @Darnell

Yesterday, @James @Grace and I (and some other Typeform friends) had a community offsite here in Barcelona! (We missed you @Liz!). Here'a photo of the barbecue James brilliantly made (Besides creating incredible content pieces, the man can cook as well! 😂)

 That's it! Hope you have an amazing weekend! @john.desborough @Darnell @ActionJackson @the conservative 

Oh wow, that looks great! I’m sure y’all had a blast with goods like that on the table. Hope y’alls tummies were full and your souls were fulfilled!


@Gabi Amaral That looks like an awesome spread of food, the sunshine looks beautiful, and it sounds like good people to enjoy it with. I’m jealous so I’ll join the next one in spirit. Pass me the ketchup! 😄

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5257 replies
  • July 9, 2022

@James @Gabi Amaral @Grace - it does indeed look like there was a fine spread put on by the “Iron Chef” hisself…. well done to all.. 

a tiki bar sounds like fun.. i actually took one apart in this house when we bought it… it was not only tiki but tacky… with fake palm fronds and all.. *shudders* 

I won’t be in Barca next week but i will live vicariously over Zoom with y’all if you want to open up for a virtual bbq and  beverage event… 


the conservative
Gabi Amaral wrote:

I'm sure it will, @Darnell

Yesterday, @James @Grace and I (and some other Typeform friends) had a community offsite here in Barcelona! (We missed you @Liz!). Here'a photo of the barbecue James brilliantly made (Besides creating incredible content pieces, the man can cook as well! 😂)

 That's it! Hope you have an amazing weekend! @john.desborough @Darnell @ActionJackson @the conservative 

You're making me rrrrrealy jealous, it looks awesome, you gotta tell us the secret who is the great @typeform chef, maybe we should invite him to New York.... 

  • Certified Partner
  • 189 replies
  • July 13, 2022

Hello my favourite Typeform peeps!

I just wanted to pop in and say hi after all this time.

I’ve been quite the busy bee so I have been failing at visiting this beautiful community as often as I would like to. The summer vibes are also more than real so I tend to run away from my laptop as soon as my to-do list allows me to do so 😅

Hope everyone’s doing well! It certainly seems like it… I mean look at that table full of food! 😍 

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1779 replies
  • July 13, 2022

Aaaah so nice to hear from you, @Michaela! How's everything with your Community? One of these days there was a customer here asking about Make and I suggested they join your community! 😍

Things here are great, we just started this Tiki Bar project at James' house! Hehehe. Pretty excited about that! 

Other than that, it's summer in Europe so plenty of exciting plans! What are your plans for the season? 

  • Certified Partner
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  • July 14, 2022

@Gabi Amaral it’s great to be back! the Make Community is coming along fine. We have a bunch of amazing folks in and we’re working real hard on filling the space with as much value as possible 😊 Oh and that is absolutely brilliant that you directed the customer to our community, thank you so so much for doing that! Highly appreciated 🙏


Now, that Tiki Bar project sounds absolutely splendid! Cannot begin to imagine how much fun you guys are having while doing this 😁


Summer has been pretty good over here in the Czech Republic. Quite hot, though, which is not great for a land locked country 😄 I have a bunch of small plans and two bigger ones. 1) I am joining my old band for a week long tour in Romania so I am super excited about that. 2) I am planning to visit Morocco in early Fall when the temperatures cool down a little. What’s on your list? 

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  • July 14, 2022

Ooh @Michaela tell us more about your band, what do you play? Sounds like a great summer ahead 😊

I’m looking forward to more Tiki building in the next few weeks and having @Gabi Amaral back for another visit. And hopefully @Liz will join us in Barcelona again too!

This weekend I’m going for a hike around Vall de Nuria in the Pyrenees! Will try and get some good pics to share with you all next week ⛰

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  • July 19, 2022

Heyooo! How was everyone’s weekends? 

I went for a hike with some friends on Saturday, it was really tough but well worth it for the views! 




I think if I did that again I would choose a slightly cooler month 😅 but it was a triumph to finally get the top of the hill!  

  • Certified Partner & Champion
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  • July 19, 2022

that does look a tad warm out there @Grace … beautiful views though.. 


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  • July 19, 2022

Yep, @john.desborough amazing to think that it’s a ski resort in winter but in summer it’s still blazing hot!

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1779 replies
  • July 20, 2022

Hello my friends! I've been away for several days because I got a flu (plus sore throat, headache, crusty eyes etc). I guess the heat wave and the whole fan/AC haven't helped! I'm still not 100% but yesterday I went to the hospital to see what's going on. It has been more than a week and I started to worry. Now, I'm taking some medicines that the doctor gave me, hopefully, will get better! Just trying to rest, drink a lot of water and eat healthy!

Heeeey @Michaela! Happy for your Make Community! My plans for the summer are basically exploring Spain and I'll have a week off in the end of September. I'll probably go to Croatia, Albania and Montenegro. Still in the planning fase though! Ooooh, a band! That's so cool! Which instrument do you play? And can you sing? 

Lovely photos, @Grace! Can wait to our next Tiki Bar meeting! 

How you're doing @john.desborough @Darnell @ActionJackson? Any exciting plans for the summer?  

  • Tastemaker
  • 342 replies
  • July 20, 2022

@Gabi Amaral Good to have you back and sorry you’ve been under the weather for a while. Glad you’re on track to recover between meds and a healthy diet. Ideally you’re already feeling better.

As for plans for the summer, we’re just going to cool out in town mostly. We’ll probably go to a baseball game soon and we’ve been hitting some breweries. Gonna get caught up on some reading along with seeing some movies as well.

Sounds like you’re up to quite some traveling yourself! Albania, Croatia, etc - wow. Nomad life, I guess? Ha!

  • Certified Partner & Champion
  • 5257 replies
  • July 20, 2022

@Gabi Amaral - sounds like all the moving activity, new aunt duties and all that stuff have caught up to you… not including the fact that Seville is ‘roasting’ like most of Europe! hope you get fully recovered shortly.. the patios and gardens in Seville are missing you. 

here we are getting into the routine of summer living - spending time at the end of each day walking in one of the forests around the city or along the river that flows through Ottawa… the wee beast now has a small digital camera to use, so instead of mom and daughter fighting over who gets to take pictures with mom’s iphone, they can both point and shoot.. (the wee one gets better composition than mom but don’t tell mom lol) 

coping with the summer heat and humidity until we are off on hols at the end of August.. camping with friends and then helping out for a bit down on my dad’s farm as we bring some horses into the paddocks for the fall. 

and coffee.. lots of coffee.. and wine.. and beer.. and making a bunch of vegan cheeses to age 

normal stuff lol


the conservative

Welcome back! Hope you enjoyed the community movie club while you were in bad...😂anyways, I don't have any major plans for the summer yet, will probably end up in Vermont or New Hampshire

Gabi Amaral
  • Ex–Typefomer
  • 1779 replies
  • July 21, 2022

Yes, I'm feeling a little better but not 100% yet. I never get sick but this time… 😥 I'll keep taking the medicines, drinking a lot of water and rest. 

A baseball game seems exciting, @Darnell! I'm super into sports but I don't understand the rules of baseball 😆 It's not a very popular one in Brazil, so I guess that's the reason. Should be super fun though!

@john.desborough Are you able to swim on these rivers? Oooh...summer living, love it! Is there any kind of heat wave over there? Hopefully not! Here is UNBEARABLE! I had some plans of camping as well (glamping) but I had to cancel because of this cold. 😩

Ah@the conservative! Never been to Vermont or New Hampshire. Are they cool places? 

I'd also like to invite @Mikkel @Jeanne Dimmick @funeng to this post! This is a thread where we talk about different things, what we've been up to and whatever you feel like sharing! It's nice to have you here! 😁

the conservative

@Gabi Amaral Yes, it is, I was in both already and they're both wonderful, Vermont I do like more the have some really cozy rural areas where you sit in the house on the top of a mountain, crazy views and good weathers, just watch out at night, you can run into a bear!


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  • July 27, 2022

@Michaela ! You’re back!! How’s the Make community been? It sounds like it’s off to a great start!

@the conservative you were just in Israel, right? How was that? And how’s Vermont been? Just as hot? 

@Darnell I just went to a White Sox game for the first time since I moved to Chicago (and yet to go to a Cubs game, even though I live three or so blocks from the stadium...), and it was so fun! I was with a few ex-Typeformers that came into town. Which team do you usually see? 

@john.desborough any particular photos the little beast is taking? 

@Grace Wow where is that?! It looks beautiful!

A few days ago, I took some inspiration from @Gabolino and had octopus in Madrid! Trying to stay cool here in Europe but I hate eating cold lunches. 😂


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  • 2576 replies
  • July 28, 2022

@Liz I’m the same actually, I prefer hot food, is that weird?! The hike was around here in the Pyrenees - really amazing spot but hard work hiking in the heat!

Hope you keep cool on your European tour! 

Last weekend I was at the beach and bumped into this guy (also saw his friend while I was having a swim) 


Normally see smaller jellyfish around here so was surprised to see such a big one! 

  • Tastemaker
  • 342 replies
  • July 28, 2022
Liz wrote:


@Darnell I just went to a White Sox game for the first time since I moved to Chicago (and yet to go to a Cubs game, even though I live three or so blocks from the stadium...), and it was so fun! I was with a few ex-Typeformers that came into town. Which team do you usually see? 


@Liz hang on, I didn’t know you lived in the States! Since when? And guess what!? Chicago’s my hometown! I remember seeing one game there with my dad when I was very young but I haven’t visited that city since 2000-ish. Kim and I most certainly will visit Chi-Town ideally by next year. We’ll all get together and you can show us around, haha!

Here in Charlotte, we usually watch the Knights face off against whoever. Only been once though!

the conservative

@Liz Yes, I was in Israel and as I told you back then it was awesome.
I was in Vermont a few years ago not this year, and no, it's not as hot as New York its much cooler and almost no humidity, and at night its cool I would recommend you to visit it. Any suggestions where to visit? How's Chicago? Minnesota?

@Darnell Are you in North Caroline? I have never been there how is it?