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Happy Monday, all!

Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!

We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below: 



Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!


I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?

Oh, boy was that a weekend, we had our whole family down here in New York to celebrate memorial day, some barbecues and boating and just enjoying the great pleasure of the family! @Gabi Amaral Hope you enjoyed yours too!

@Gabi Amaral I didn’t see the final, but I definitely heard when the match was over, a few Madrid supporters around beeping horns and setting off fireworks! 😂

The beach is between Vila Nova and Sitges, it’s about an hour by train to Vila Nova (from Barcelona) and then you can walk along the cliff tops following the train line to Sitges where we stopped off for some paella 🦐

@the conservative that sounds like an awesome weekend, sounds like the weather was good for bbq’s and boating! 🌞

@Gabi Amaral yes, for sure, if you ever make it here, just holler, we’ll show you a great time, you’ll have a blast!

Passing by to check on all of you! How's your summer going so far? Any exciting plans for the next weeks? @john.desborough @Darnell @the conservative @ActionJackson @talon256 @Grace @Liz 

I'm organizing myself to move to Seville! Pretty excited about that. I absolutely love the city! 
Sharing a photo of a younger Gabi in Seville 7 years ago (I took this photo in 2015). Cheers! 🤗


What’s up, @Gabi Amaral !? Dope photo. Guess you don’t age either, huh? 😁 Already on the move again? At least you love the city so it must be something you’re looking forward to! And TSM for checking on us all!

Summer is going nicely but I screwed around this past weekend jumping off a high ledge in a tree to impress some kids (at yet *another* bday party, ha!) and landed incorrectly. Apparently, the little half a beer I had didn’t do me any justice in neither that decision to jump nor the landing.🤦🏾‍♂️😅 In a more sober state, this would’ve been a slam dunk type of jump since I’m big on gymnastics and have always loved the sport.

Fortunately, no broken bones though I haven’t verified whether anything’s fractured but I think I got away scathed (literally) with some bruises on my heels and my palm. Super sore and all to the dismay of Kim but she’s been taking care of me these past few days so I can heal quickly. Here’s me laid up from the other day with my compression bandages. (My shins are totally fine and have always been insanely shiny, ha!)

Lastly, we have a wedding to attend tomorrow but I may have to skip that to accelerate my recovery. Also have tickets for Lightyear on Thu and then we’re (supposed to be) headed to the mountains this weekend though I think some compromises will have to be mad. Oh, and don’t let me forget the $7,500 it’s costing to replace our AC unit and evaporator coil b/c they crapped out us yesterday.

When it rains, it pours but that’s the only way to get the rainbow, so ya may as well dance up a storm.😉


@Gabi Amaral what a gorgeous pic! How exciting that you’re moving to Seville soon, can’t wait to hear more about your adventures!

Last Friday was the last day of the Typeform office in Barcelona, so some of us went in to spend the day working together and having some fun too! 

Sorry for the terrible photo, but I wanted to share this picture of the giant Toblerone (or Typelerone) that we had at lunch time! 


ooooh @Darnell 😱

That sucks, hope you are making a speedy recovery and don’t have to cancel too many plans! Also, lets hope that’s the last of the bad luck for now, let that rainbow clear the way for some summer fun! 

@Grace Toblerone’s the best! Why the last day in Barcelona? Moving elsewhere?

And TSM for the well wishes! Recovering nicely.

@Darnell - dude! that sucks.. (though i might have to admit to having done something similar about 20 years ago ..i think… lol) 

sticking the landing it tough at the best of times.. 

half a beer or a ‘half yard of beer’?? lol jk


and @Grace - echoing the question on the Barcelona office statement ?? what??? 


@Gabi Amaral - Seville is one of my fave places.. I have been there a couple of times and had the opportunity to be there one time when there were a bunch of the ‘student guitar makers’ sitting outside playing their instruments to the pleasure and joy of about 20 of us … lovely city



Well @Darnell and @john.desborough (hoping this wasn’t meant to be a secret 😅) we’ve gone fully remote at Typeform so no more office! 

Who knows what the future will bring, but with so many of us working all over the world now it didn’t really make sense to have a big office in one place. It was kinda sad though! 😢 I liked being able to go in and see humans from time to time!

@Grace - darn… i was hoping to come check out barception before it shut down.. but i can understand… it’s a trend that will continue for while across the industry.. 

I can see @James driving the Typeform Coffee Bus around Europe as a mobile office.. 


@john.desborough I never got to experience Barception, I think I would have loved it!

I’m up for this idea of @James driving a Typeform coffee bus! The next lead gen webinar coming live from a town near you…! 

Aw thank you for including me 😊 Im a typeform noob so i feel very welcomed indeed cause of this. Seville looks awesome! Unfortunately, I’ve never been to Spain but I’ve always wanted to, especially to see some of that beautiful art and architecture from Al Andalus times. No crazy-exciting plans for me this summer. I usually try to travel internationally once a year and the last planned trip was Egypt right when Covid 1.0 started. Haven’t travelled internationally since. Im currently working at the beach this week in Southern California so that’s nice though! And Im always willing to hop on a plane and come to Spain for Typeform stuff if y’all wanna pay! haha jk jk

@Grace that’s awesome that you all are fully remote now. IMO that’s the future: Distributed and Async Work. I think in the end this will make us all exponentially more productive. It’s challenging to adjust to it at first though, for some at least. I feel like async communication is one of the more subtly challenging aspects of distributed wfh. Just my two-cents

@ActionJackson I think we’d all prefer to come sit on a beach in California with you!

It definitely takes a bit of getting used to, but wfh has a lot of benefits too. And there’s nothing stopping us from meeting up from time to time to do in-person collaborations. I love how working remotely allows you to connect with so many different people - one of my fav things about this community too! 

Everyone can just use VideoAsk for more async conversations 😉

@Gabi Amaral Wow, that's a beautiful photo... years are running... so far summer has been great, I plan on visiting Israel later this month since I haven't been able to travel the last 2+ years

Oh yeah, I took this photo in the Real Alcazar of Seville! It's beautiful! I suggest you visit it! 

I'm sorry for your injury,@Darnell! I can totally relate since I've sprained my ankle several times now. Take care and rest! It's really good that Kim is there to pamper you a bit! Hehehe. Keep us posted on your recovery process! 

Love your photo, @john.desborough! When you meet me in person, you'll see. I never say no to a beer! Hehehehe 🍺

Welcome to our community, @ActionJackson! Happy to have you here. May I ask which city in Southern California are you from? I'm originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil but I've been living in Europe for the past 5 years! You definitely should come to Spain, it's incredible! 

​​​Oh @Grace, save me a piece of this Typerone! So delicious. It must've been a bittersweet feeling to be there for the last time. On the bright side, we're still together! 💙 

We missed you @Gabi Amaral I ate enough Toblerone for the whole team I think 😂

@the conservative that sounds like it will be an amazing trip! It’s nice to see everything opening back up and being able to travel more this year 😊

thank you @Grace sharing the same hope!😉

@Gabi Amaral Awesome! I’ve been to Buenos Aires, Argentina but that’s the closest to Rio I’ve been. To be fair, while I was there, *everyone* was telling me to go to Rio. I’m currently staying in Newport Beach but I live further north in a more rural part of California. Im staying right on the water this week though and it’s so nice. 


Wooow, what a great photo @ActionJackson! Are you traveling while working remotely? The footprints added some poetry to the picture! Hahaha. 😍 Buenos Aires is incredible as well but in my humble opinion, Rio is better! Hehehe. I'm joking, it's just a different kind of city! 

@the conservative Israel? Oooh, I've heard it's amazing! I have one friend from Tel-Aviv and he says it's like Rio de Janeiro. The whole beach atmosphere etc! Don't forget to share some photos here if you really go! 

Per usual, I’m late to the party (better late than early!), and holy, @Darnell ! That looks painful! But where else would it have happened, if not at a birthday party?! 🤣 Hopefully it recovers quickly! And are you all going through the heat wave that’s been passing through the US? Not fun paying that much to fix the AC, but probably good you did! 

@Gabi Amaral Ah! How exciting! I didn’t realize you were moving to Seville. That’ll be a great new adventure!

I’m one of the few folks at Typeform that’s been remote forever, so I agree with you, @ActionJackson . Remote work is the way to go! I can’t even imagine how much time I would have lost had I needed to commute everyday for the last five or so years. 

Newport Beach is great!!

@the conservative I’ve always wanted to go to Israel! What are you going for? For fun? Or work? 


This past weekend, it was the Pride festival in Chicago (and next weekend, the parade!). I live on the street where it takes place, so it was VERY chaotic all weekend, but somehow quiet in my apartment! I had some friends stay with me in my little studio and go out to celebrate. I realize I didn’t take a photo of the actual festival, but here’s the closest thing without their faces ha!


On a side note, a little bird told me it is someone’s 19th birthday today….


@john.desborough !!


Happy birthday, Des!!!! I hope you’re having lots of coffee and/or whiskey, too!



Thanks @Liz - it was a great day - vegan pizza and icecream (coffee flavour)



Wow @john.desborough that pizza is epic!! Love coffee ice cream, hope you had a great day! Have you got anything fun planned for the weekend? Any extra celebrations happening?
