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Happy Monday, all!

Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!

We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below: 



Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!


I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?

@Darnell @Grace @Liz - this is what the process starts like.. now this is from 2 years ago, just for context… 120 pounds of tomatoes

then there is the blanching and peeling step .. and my lovely wee beastie helping out.. 

from there it goes through a ‘passatutto’ to separate out the pulp and seeds and finally into the pots for simmering 



and simmered down to this after about 8-12 hours.. 

last year i did 160 pounds and this year it will be 200 pounds (confirmed with the organic farm) 


last year’s 160 pounds turned out 40 litres of sauce… gave a bunch to friends and froze most of it.. 


nothing by tomatoes.. if you wanna add stuff to it, fill your boots based on your recipe… 


@Liz you want it, meet up in Toronto lol.. i’ll bring some in a cooler .. or Port Huron, half way point lol


@Darnell - i used some to make a veggie vindaloo that would singe the fringe… 


@Grace my sous chef starts school Tues.. thankfully.. lol.. 


cheers y’all

@john.desborough dude, this is SO epic! Never heard of veggie vindaloo, although I’m sure it must be tasty!

Wowsers @john.desborough that is an epic haul of tomatoes! Maybe @suzieq can bring some back for us when she’s in Canada 😉




As promised @Darnell @Liz taco pic from last night! This was the best one IMO 

@Grace you did the thing! And now my mouth’s watering at 6a EDT, ha! Glad you enjoyed these and provided photographic proof.

Yeh they were some good tacos @Darnell! We also had some really tasty garlic prawns and a delicious ceviche so all in all it was a successful dinner! 

@Grace let me find out y’all were in pescetarian mode like that for the whole evening! 😁 That all sounds super delish! My friends say that a pescetarian is an expensive diet and they’re kinda not wrong, lol. 

lol I think it depends where you are in the world as to how expensive a pescatarian diet is! Also maybe the restaurant too haha!

Fair point, @Grace 

@suzieq please visit Des and bring us some tomato sauce!!! What a process that is!

@Grace Oh these look so good! Where is this? 

@Liz @Grace @Darnell - y’all are welcome here in Ottawa next weekend to help out .. heck, i’ll even double the order of cases so that we can do enough for you to take a crate of containers home!

I can pitch the tent in the back yard and get you set up there if we don’t have enough space inside the house lol.. 


c’mon over!

@Liz it’s a place called Costa Pacifico in el born - you’ll have to try next time you’re over! 

@john.desborough that sounds like a great team building activity for us all to get involved in! 😆

how’s was the weekend folks?  @Grace @James @Liz @Darnell ???

80 pounds of tomatoes turned into this much sauce-in-th-pot (only one had started simmering at that point) 

that turned into this: 

plus another 5 one-litre mason jars.. 


should get me through till Feb.



Holy moly that’s a lot of sauce @john.desborough nice work! Hope you have room to store it all?! 

It was very rainy here in Barcelona over the weekend, which I’m grateful for - fill up those reservoirs! Nothing really exciting to report but I did get out to meet some friends at a bar that had someone doing doggy portraits so there were a lot of pooches parading around!  

@Grace - barely fit into the freezer… must make a few dishes this week while it’s fresh…. 


Ooh yes definitely @john.desborough! What’s your go to dish with the sauce? 🍅

@Grace - a vegan bolognese


everyone in the house likes that.. 

@john.desborough man, you crushed those tomatoes--literally, ha!

As for me, since NFL has officially kicked off, it’s gonna be crazy recipes like the homemade loaded shrimp nachos in this pic, featured homemade pickled jalapenos, guac, salsa, and sour cream. It was so yummy for tummy, ha!


lol @Darnell - literally.. 

as for the NFL - that was why i roasted up some tomatillos and made some salsa verde - went well with my version of the nachos yesterday while all those tomatoes were doing their thing… 

Gotta bring da heat to the game!.. just sayin’ 



Wow, who knew the NFL would be bringing all the chefs out! @Darnell @john.desborough you’re putting us to shame! 


Totally different vibe, but the weekend before last I went to a baby shower and made my signature carrot cake 🥕 and then had a fun night cooking with some friends where the theme was making food with faces 😆


The fresh rolls originally were gonna be people with carrots for hair, but then we decided they looked more like fish so changed tactics haha 🐟

My goodness you chefs are on fire (quite literally with all those peppers @john.desborough @Darnell). I feel very ashamed to say I didn’t lift a finger in the kitchen this weekend. Went to an all-inclusive hotel resort for the night on Saturday (the mini-est of mini-breaks) and gorged on the delicious buffet. Then made a Sunday afternoon pilgrimage to KFC - and as always ended up finishing the bottom half of the bucket cos the rest of the family’s eyes are bigger than their bellies (honestly, the sacrifices I make...)

Love seeing all these food pics, @john.desborough @Grace; y’all know I be eatin’ so I def be eatin’ with my eyes first, ha!

@James you gotta come join the fun, man!

@Grace - love the cake.. carrot cake is my fave.. and great work on the faces.. lol.. 

@James - glad you took one for the family team. honourable of you.. 

@Darnell - food is essential for life. may as well have fun making and eatin’… 


