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Happy Monday, all!

Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!

We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below: 



Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!


I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?

995 replies

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@Gabriel - thanks for asking Gabriel.. It’s an important thing to check in on one another when we can. 

Don’t forget, folks, that we all need to get out and find some time to get a little exercise, even if it means just a few minutes to walk around the block. 


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Hahaha. that made me laugh. That block looks a lot like a block of cheese I have in the fridge. Will it do the job ?

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Hahaha. that made me laugh. That block looks a lot like a block of cheese I have in the fridge. Will it do the job ?

@Gabriel - only if it’s manchego and you put on the flamenco boots and stomp around with some interpretive dance that makes your family laugh and roll their eyes!


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That block image cracked me up, @john.desborough LOL A block of cheese will only do the trick @Gabriel following the instructions given by des. Of course, you’ll have to post the video to prove you did it though 


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@Gabriel - please note i do not mean to belittle the art of flamenco dance - i love flamenco and wish i was a better guitar player so that i could justify holidaying in Seville to just listen and watch the dancing there.. I also wish i could move my feet that fast!


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If I attempted to dance flamenco that would definitely ‘belittle’ the art of flamenco :sweat_smile:  

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Ok all, I’ve been waiting to post this all week, but I ordered a new batch of Nespresso capsules!! This is the one I’m having this week!



I definitely have a Nespresso problem. :rofl:

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@Liz - too funny… respect the bean!


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Friday is coming to and end here in Barcelona folks… at least that side of Friday that involves sitting in front of my computer… 

So, happy weekend everyone. 


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Friday is coming to and end here in Barcelona folks… at least that side of Friday that involves sitting in front of my computer… 

So, happy weekend everyone. 





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Happy Monday, folks. 


And congrats @Michaela for the Problem Solver badge. Well deserved! In you particular case it should have been called the ‘Integrator’ badge :P



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Thanks, @Gabriel! Super happy and proud to be collecting these badges:blush: I feel like a scout, hahah.

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Think of them as Pokemon cards you need to collect :D



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@Gabriel - i remember when my now-25 yr old son was collecting Pokemon cards in primary school and now my 5 yr old is excited to get them from the occasional trip to McDonalds for a happy meal lol.. I don’t know if my son will share is stash of cards with his little sister though lol.. 



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@Gabriel - i remember when my now-25 yr old son was collecting Pokemon cards in primary school and now my 5 yr old is excited to get them from the occasional trip to McDonalds for a happy meal lol.. I don’t know if my son will share is stash of cards with his little sister though lol.. 




I hear there’s like a ‘stock market’ of Pokemon cards and there are folks buying them for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Incredible stuff!!!

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Sometimes hearing stuff like this makes me question my investments. Could have been set if I saved my Pokemon cards!

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@Liz - being a Canadian, i had a collection (actually several) of NHL hockey cards when i was much younger. I had two full sets of the 1967 and 1968 cards that were in near mint condition and, because i was travelling so much out of uni, i left the sets on my dad’s farm for storage. After my mom passed and dad remarried, they needed space so a bunch of boxes went out into the garage for storage.. then a pipe burst and soaked the boxes with the cards ruined. in today’s market those two sets would be worth close to 40k … not bad for about a 5$ investment all those years ago.. 


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@john.desborough Jeez! It had to have been heartbreaking to hear about that pipe bursting. :( To think of their value!

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@Liz - not as heartbreaking as finding out that a bunch of my mom’s old photos and whatnots were also in that box - my sister moved at one point and left a box of them at the farm, and they ended up in the same box as the hockey cards. 


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Happy Little Friday, all!

I had a meeting a few nights ago at Cruz Blanca Brewery, which is a brewery over here in Chicago. They have a beer called Pachamama, and while I’m normally not a fruit-y beer kind of person, it was so good! I don’t think they ship, but if you want to live vicariously, check ‘em out!

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We had long weekend here in Barcelona so I feel fully energised today. On Sunday I went to visit a little town called Sant Pol de Mar which is quite cute. 

What have you been up to?


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looks like a beautiful spot @Gabriel - it was also a long weekend here in Canada and it was a nice family day hanging out and re-energizing

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Sweet. Not only coffee gives you extra energy, downtime does too :D

By the way, congrats @Xinnamon and @jamesdcs for the influencer badge and @Nasia for the meaningful one!







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I’m back at my sister’s place this week, and you all know that means I have zero coffee updates. :rofl::joy:

BUT! I did have an...interesting wine this week here that I would not recommend drinking but I would recommend buying for laughs: 


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@Liz - did you NOT travel with coffee in your travel kit? seriously.. once more then shame on you lol… 

