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Some of you here know that I travel a fair amount (and by fair, I mean 90% of the time), so I figured it might be fun to create a post with workplace views! Here’s mine today out near Yellowstone. :heart_eyes:


Yes @Gabi Amaral we need details! Where’s the jumpsuit from?! 


@belinda_long A choose your own adventure….with VideoAsk?! :heart_eyes: I can’t wait to see it!!

Hey guys! Sorry to have been unresponsive for a few days. We were at a team escape event with the Integromat team and we had an absolute blast. I almost forgot how great it is to meet your colleagues and have both valuable and silly conversations. Let’s hope we’ll never be forced to isolate again :fingers_crossed:


@Gabi Amaral a belated birthday, girl! I am also 30 years of age and I gotta say Iv’e never felt better. Coincidence? I think not :upside_down:

Also, this is the second time someone in here mentions me coming over to Barcelona. I am sooooo making that happen! Just give me a bit of time to plan this out :heart_eyes:

@Liz I don't remember the store but I bought it in Brazil! I think I got it in 2018 (I'm happy it still fits! Haha).

@Michaela No worries, I'm happy you had this time to connect with your colleagues from Integromat. Where did the retreat take place? It looks fantastic!

Thank you! Yes, I gotta say I'm feeling very well with myself. Happy in all of the areas of my life! I always remember that movie "13 Going On 30" when she says "Thirty flirty and thriving" and here I am! Hehehe. Yes, let us know and I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun!! :sunglasses:

@Gabi Amaral Haha gotta love when clothes fit after the pandemic! :joy::rofl:


@Michaela Can I come to the next retreat? Happy to be an honorary Integromat worker! :sweat_smile:

Most of this week, I’m house swapping with my friend in Paris, so while I’m watching her dog in Paris, she’s staying at my apartment in Chicago. 

Here’s a photo of her dog!

She seems calm in the photo, but when I take her for a walk, I can only go around the block with her because she launches at bikes/scooters and men. I have no idea what happened in her past life, but apparently something to make her afraid of wheels and men. :joy:

@Michaela I wouldn't mind to join as an honorary worker as well! Hahaha. I miss these companies events, they're amazing to bond with our coworkers! :heart_eyes:

Oh @Liz! That sounds amazing!! I'd love to try a house swapping once! Was she your friend before? Or you became friends swapping houses? That doggo!!! :blue_heart::dog: How's Autumn in Paris? I've only been to Paris in the Winter, really sad! Also, how long will you be in France? 

@Michaela Yes yes invite us ha! 

@Gabi Amaral Yes! A good majority of my friend group is here, but I got lucky because she happens to be from the same place my apartment is. Winter isn’t all that terrible here. At least, unlike in the states, people still go out so it’s not so sad ha!

How’s the weather in BCN?

Hehe that's amazing, @Liz! Having friends all over the world is perfect! I was not in Barcelona yesterday, I spent the weekend in Italy. However, I saw a lot of friends going to the beach in Bcn, so I assume it was a good one! 

On Saturday, I spent the day at Como Lake! Beautiful place and definitely worth the visit! :heart_eyes:


@Gabi Amaral @Liz 

  1. Reminder for self: totally gotta rewatch 13 Going On 30 :smile:
  2. I’m processing the paperwork to have you come to our next offsite at this very moment :smile:
  1. LOOK. AT. THAT. PUP! Sooooo cute. And you get to look after her in Paris? Well, isn’t life just wonderful? Also, I kinda relate to being a bit nervous around wheels and men, lol. Ok, wouldn’t wanna be turning this thread into a therapy session :sweat_smile:
  2. And finally - tell me about all the great things you ate/are eating in France and Italy, pretty please! :fork_knife_plate:

@Gabi Amaral Ah!! Lake Como is beautiful!! How was the weather there?

@Gabi Amaral @Michaela Does this mean maybe we should have a 13 Going on 30 streaming night? :heart_eyes:  @Paulo and @john.desborough , you’ll have to join, too! (And @vickioneill , if she has the time, that busy bee!)

As for the pup, yes! I totally understand her fear of men and wheels, @Michaela . :rofl::joy: I can’t blame her, as I also find myself steering clear of both HA!


Last week, I worked with a friend of mine who has a membership to the Soho House in Paris (that just opened three weeks ago). WOW. I see why people pay for the membership! They don’t allow photos of anything, but for lunch, I had pork belly confit, and it was the BEST food I had in a while. 

@Gabi Amaral please tell me you had good pasta in Italy! @Paulo are you eating anything interesting over there now that restrictions are going down slightly? 

@Liz For me it would be a 13 Going on 30 streaming morning?:laughing:

I’m planning to go out and eat a japanese style barbecue this weekend. So expect photos!:sunglasses:

@Michaela @Liz Oh, I ate a lot of pasta, obviously! Also went to some nice aperitivos! My friends cooked a dinner and baked a cake to celebrate my birthday (They know me so they're aware of how much I like birthdays!). :joy:

@Paulo Japanese style barbecue :heart_eyes: I still need to find a good one here in Barcelona! 

Last, I'm down for the 13 Going On 30 streaming night! This movie is a classic! Hahaha. 

@Gabi Amaral @Liz @Paulo @Michaela 


lol.. i was already over 40 when the movie came out.. and my daughter was 13 … there is a reason i shaved my head at that time … lol.. don’t make me relive it any more lol. 



ok everyone.. it’s Tues … so if you are NOT in Belgium, then it is Taco or Tapas Tuesday





It's already Wednesday but since I'm a big fan of desserts, I'll definitely try to find a "Choco Taco" to eat today! :joy:

Then let me ask you guys a question, @john.desborough and @Paulo. If you could go back to a certain age or period of your life? What that would be? :thinking: We can try to find a different movie for our streaming night! Any suggestions, @Michaela

@Gabi Amaral - lol - even though Ferris Bueller’s Day Off was a movie from 1986, it was pretty much reflective of how I got through highschool and university in the late 70s/early 80s. You just can’t take life too seriously and ya gotta have fun! (see the latest Meaningful episode with Chris Do - play! )


I love tacos, @john.desborough !!! This gif made my day!

Did you end up finding a choco taco, @Gabi Amaral ? I wonder if you can find those out of North America. I always thought that was a very American take on things, but I could be wrong!


@Gabi Amaral If I could go back with the knowledge I have today, it would be definitely my 30’s. I had plenty of energy and could take a lot of different decision that would lead me to a better present today. But if it was just to live it again, I guess I would go back to my high school days and party all over again! Hahaha!

This movie seems like a nice one! Will check it out! Matthew Broderick is looking like a baby! Hehehe. I couldn't agree more with you, we shouldn't take life too seriously otherwise we miss a lot of important things! @john.desborough :pray_tone2:

​​​Oh @Liz, I did not find a Choco Taco! :neutral_face: But I'll keep looking for it, maybe I get lucky! 

A lot of people told me to enjoy my 30s because it's one of the best periods of life, so I'm keeping that in mind! @Paulo. I guess when we are too young, we have plenty of energy but no money and then when you're older, you might have more money but less energy. I think 30 and 40 are somewhere in between, which is good! :wink:

@Gabi Amaral If I could go back with the knowledge I have today, it would be definitely my 30’s. I had plenty of energy and could take a lot of different decision that would lead me to a better present today. But if it was just to live it again, I guess I would go back to my high school days and party all over again! Hahaha!


Wise words, Paulo. +1 to this comment. 

Going back to the "Where are you working from?" thread...I'm in Lisbon visiting friends!!! :flag_pt:

I'll leave you with this photo of the beautiful 'Lisboeta' sky! Next week I'll be in a different city, can you guess what? Tip: I've posted a photo of this city here before! @Liz @john.desborough @Paulo @Michaela 


That is my view today. Working in the middle town of Nagoya, drinking my overpriced espresso in the Starbucks and waiting for the next meeting in this gorgeous building to start. The sky is starting to look like winter!



@Paulo - office towers… i remember them.. i think .. 



@Paulo "overpriced espresso in the Starbucks" noooooo, that's so sad! Hahahaha :laughing: The building looks nice though and so the sky! 

Now, I'm in Porto visiting family! I missed them a lot. On Saturday, I was still in Lisbon and I witnessed a stunning sunset at Costa da Caparica. If I have more photos of Porto, I'll post them here! For now, I'll leave you with this sunset! 


Where am I working from? It starts with "Typeform" and ends with "office"! Yaaay! I'm back to Barcelona. Came to the office straight from the airport! 

Since I know @Liz always asks for photos, here it's mine wearing a personalized T-shirt I got from Typeform. I was able to choose any phrase and print it here! Hahaha THANK YOU, TYPEFORM! :heart_eyes:

I chose "Eu sou Brasileira e não desisto nunca". Certainly, @Paulo knows what it means! Hehehehe. We often use this phrase in Brazil to say that we never give up on anything! :joy: (I'm sorry for that tired face of mine, early flights turn me into that!) @john.desborough @Michaela @belinda_long 


Looking just fine @Gabi Amaral - early morning flights are a challenge but red-eye overnight flights are even worse for folks.. Glad you have it going today, in any event!



