Some of you here know that I travel a fair amount (and by fair, I mean 90% of the time), so I figured it might be fun to create a post with workplace views! Here’s mine today out near Yellowstone.
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@TFJunkie I knooow! There was indeed a lot of acting. That was Georgina, the Venezuelan girl! The red headed guy was lameeee! It was kind of sad to watch.
Oh, the engineer is Barnett? And the older woman Jessica I guess. Tbh, I never liked this Jessica seems she never accepted that he preferred Amber. And you know that Amber and Barnett are still together? Oftentimes, they post stuff together on Instagram! Totally unexpected!
Going back to the original topic here...I'm planning a road trip to Girona in the weekend. Will try to take photos of some of the Game of Thrones filming locations in the city (I was a huge fan of GoT). Will keep you guys posted! @Paulo@john.desborough@Michaela
@Gabi Amaral - Enjoy the road trip.. I have never watched GoT. not a minute. I did read the books finally but for some reason, I never got excited about watching the show. dunno … lol
@Gabi Amaral Look forward to those awesome photos. Hope you have an easy ride through your travels without too much obstruction.
I loved GoT as well, what a top show, and storyline…. Pity all the actors were getting old and dying, haha…
I’ve been watching SEE, Invasion and Foundation on Apple TV+. Mandalorian didn't come out this year, won't be out till next year, but thats on Disney+.
What are you watching now @Gabi Amaral ? Anyone else watching anything intriguing?
Well, if you read the books then it's normal you wouldn't be interested in the series, @john.desborough! I've had several disappointments when reading books and watching their screen adaptations! And did you enjoy the books?
@TFJunkie Thank you! SEE is that one with Jason Momoa? Well, obviously I've watched Squid Game. Then, the new season of sex education and Maid. I really want to start Sucession from HBO. A friend told me that it's like "The Office meets GoT", so let's see!
@Paulo What series are trending now in Japan? Squid Game was a hit over there as well?
@Gabi Amaral Sorry. I have no clue about what is trending in Japan right now. Being the book worm I am, and with a pile of books waiting to be read beside my bed, I have no time left to watch any series at all.
It was a hell of a Monday, but it’s finally coming to an end! (at least in the East Asia) Hehe
This wonderful sunset recharges my soul!
I think I will print this photo and hang it on the office wall
Oh Paulo, I'm glad it's over for you! I had a very fun weekend in Girona! Pretty little town! A perfect filming location for something like Game of Thrones! Check some photos I've taken yesterday!
How was the weekend for you @Paulo@john.desborough@TFJunkie@Michaela?
Hey guys! My weekend was pretty mellow, I have to say. Thanks for asking @Gabi Amaral As the days grow shorter in my part of the world, I am spending more and more time inside. Drinking tea and reading books. That’s right. From November till March, I am mentally 85 years old. And I’m loving it
I totally get you, @Michaela! Sometimes I feel like a 85 years old as well. However, since everything here in Barcelona is new to me, I'm trying to enjoy my time as much as I can! I already have a trip planned for December, very excited about it!
Oh and I forgot to post a photo of the Dali Museum here. I also went there on Sunday, such a beautiful place! It's located in Figueres, the city where Salvador Dalí was born.
@Michaela@Gabi Amaral - glad you didn’t use “60” yr old…. lol
Hahaha @john.desborough 60 years old are the new 40s! Where are you working from today, Des? Missing these beautiful Canadian views you used to send here!
@Gabi Amaral - no where special … just the office at home.. not much travel possible with a wee lass in school these days.. but i did get out for a walk in the woods near here yesterday and got this pic… nature is amazing
Wow, indeed nature is amazing @john.desborough! Were you able to identify what is the white plant?
And what about you @Paulo? Getting ready to move houses?
@Gabi Amaral - it’s a fungus. I did not do a dive into what type.. that would take time away from Typeform-ing lol.. and writing email..
have a wonderful weekend!
@Gabi Amaral T-minus 10 days and counting! At this stage all the paperwork is done and I’m starting the minimalist life style that precedes the moving, which means live with the minimum that was left
Hahaha priorities, right? @john.desborough I have to say I'm not very knowledgeable about plants and biology, however I went to an exhibition in a museum here in Barcelona called "Science friction". Super nice! I found out more about plastisphere and I was like: Even took some photos! Very interesting! have you ever heard of it?
@Paulo I totally get you! After living in so many places, I adopted this lifestyle. It's hard but rewarding! Can wait to check the photos when you move, I'm still mesmerised with the efficiency of Japanese moving companies!
@Gabi Amaral They take customer service really seriously around here. I’ll try and take a bunch of photos to post here!
This time we did something new before the preparation phase for the moving started. One year ago we created a system to check which clothes we didn't wear for an entire year and we donated it before the packing madness started. We did the same with belongings stored in boxes and that we’re tended to keep for some unknow reason. The result is that this is going to be the smoothest house move ever!
@Paulo - well done on the optimizing. I have tried some of that here - especially with the clothes that our 5 yr old has outgrown. I’ve run into resistance though due to the emotional attachment that mom has to the various dresses and other outfits that Mikaela wore. I can understand that .. but when the cedar closet starts to look like an episode of Hoarders… lol.. I sat both mom and daughter down on yoga mats on Sunday morning and had them look at each item of clothing that was already in a bag ready to go but had been stuck in the closet .. Mikaela looked at all her old stuff on piece at a time and was very good about saying ‘some other girl smaller than me should have this’ .. and she made mom carry the bags out to the car.
When we dropped them off at the women’s shelter, Mikaela turned to her mom and held her hand and said: “Mom all the little girls here will have dresses for Christmas now. That’s a good thing. You’re the best mom”..
Mom’s tears stopped about 20 minutes later..
When we dropped them off at the women’s shelter, Mikaela turned to her mom and held her hand and said: “Mom all the little girls here will have dresses for Christmas now. That’s a good thing. You’re the best mom”..
Mom’s tears stopped about 20 minutes later..
@john.desborough That was clever!
I have a “closet rule” with my two girls, if their closet is full they can’t buy more clothes unless they recycle some of it.
@Paulo Amazing system! You're completely right! My mom always says that we need to get rid of the old to welcome the new! The moving company would appreciate that! Maybe you should ask for a discount now that you have less stuff!
It's like @john.desborough mentioned, sometimes we get to keep stuff for emotional reasons, but in the end of the day, they're just clothes. You should be proud of Mikaela! You have a bright and smart little one!
I have an older sister, so I'd inherited most of her clothes! My mom was always big on donating as well, not only clothes, but also toys!
Oh man, @john.desborough the fungus picture gives me nightmares about the one time I had mushrooms literally growing in my apartment in Chicago. If you ask any of the older Typeformers, they also all remember because none of them believed me until I got terribly ill and had to send photo updates as they expanded rapidly.
My best piece of advice: never get a garden apartment.
Yay for the house moving, @paulo! Pics or it didn’t happen, as you know. How have the little ones been with the move? Are they Marie-Kondo-ing their packing?
@Gabi Amaral Was that a good or bad thing to inherit your sister’s clothes? My sister got mine...and she did NOT like it.
@Gabi Amaral Yup! Already did it! When the moving company sales representative come to my house to make the quotation I showed several items marked "not going". lol
@Liz I’ll have to create a new post just for the moving pics! Ha! The girls are definitely Marie-Kondo-ing their packing, because now that they are not so little anymore they need to pack their own stuff and suddenly they are not seem to want to keep everything as before...
@Paulo is this them?
@Liz Yup! This is them before the Marie Kondo effect! Hahaha!
@Liz Oh, it'd depend! I always wanted some of her clothes, but others I definitely didnt want! Good thing if that when I became older, we were wearing the same size so we'd share most clothes!
@Paulo How old are your girls now? Loving the new minimalist lifestyle of all of your family!