2022 Typeform Product Roundup | Community
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2022 Typeform Product Roundup

  • December 27, 2022
  • 0 replies
2022 Typeform Product Roundup
Community Team
  • Tech Community Advocate
  • 14857 replies

Wow! Was this the year for new features and integrations or what? When I compiled the list of everything released the past twelve months, I didn’t realize just how lengthy that list would be. Time flies when you’re launching new features! 


In case you missed it, I’ve done the deed of recapping everything you might not have seen into this handy dandy roundup for you. 


New Features


Our product team heard your feedback and delivered on some of your most requested items this Spring and Fall. 


First, they did some major upgrades to the workspace experience. From adding the option to order workspaces, switch easily between different organizations, adding the new “can view” workspace role, and making it easy to discover workspaces in larger organizations, you can spend less time searching in your workspaces and more time creating forms.

Next, the product team added additional features for analyzing your response data with performance trends, response filters, and response tags


As if that wasn’t enough, our logic map received an upgrade with an all-new visual map, and the welcome screen saw the option of showing how many people had previously responded to the form to encourage even more folks to submit their answers.  


And then….the most coveted of them all - brand new fields! The contact info and address fields were a hit this year, but don’t forget about the handy NPS block!


Finally, the long-awaited brand kit released later in the year, and many of you have utilized the features to spruce up your forms. 




The product itself experienced numerous updates this year, including the ability to remove question numbers, randomizing the questions in the ranking field, and more options for the email embed


The product team also enhanced multiple integrations with new features and fixes, such as adding support for more columns in Notion, allowing for advanced tracking in Hubspot, the infamous Facebook Pixel fix, and overhauling Salesforce with a plethora of updates. 


New Integrations


Last, but never least, we obtained a few new epic integrations! Square was the biggest hit that came with some beautiful new templates. Our Linktree integration included new features such as the ability to embed the form directly in the link. 


Phew! What a list, right? Hopefully you enjoyed as many of these features as I did, and just wait until you see what we have in store for the next year. 


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