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Happy Monday, all!

Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!

We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below: 



Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!


I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?

OMG is that a real pizza??? Feliz cumpleaños gran hombre. 

My mum likes to celebrate birthdays Mexican style, so here you go amigo!


Hey @Darnell you feeling better ?

Per usual, I’m late to the party (better late than early!), and holy, @Darnell ! That looks painful! But where else would it have happened, if not at a birthday party?! 🤣 Hopefully it recovers quickly! And are you all going through the heat wave that’s been passing through the US? Not fun paying that much to fix the AC, but probably good you did! 

@Gabi Amaral Ah! How exciting! I didn’t realize you were moving to Seville. That’ll be a great new adventure!

I’m one of the few folks at Typeform that’s been remote forever, so I agree with you, @ActionJackson . Remote work is the way to go! I can’t even imagine how much time I would have lost had I needed to commute everyday for the last five or so years. 

Newport Beach is great!!

@the conservative I’ve always wanted to go to Israel! What are you going for? For fun? Or work? 


This past weekend, it was the Pride festival in Chicago (and next weekend, the parade!). I live on the street where it takes place, so it was VERY chaotic all weekend, but somehow quiet in my apartment! I had some friends stay with me in my little studio and go out to celebrate. I realize I didn’t take a photo of the actual festival, but here’s the closest thing without their faces ha!


@Liz TSM for the well wishes! Yeah, I think our city is included in the heat wave. Last week was the hottest it’s been all year. AC unit was replaced and working at optimal capacity now and thank goodness b/c it’ll be 99 degrees F today!🤯 Looking nice from your Pride festival as well, thx for sharing a photo!

@Gabriel I am, thank you! Each day’s better than the last for sure and each pain point is healing at an independent speed which is interesting, ha! I should be back to 99-100% by the end of the month. You doing already yourself?

When summer’s here, we don’t go to the beach, we hit the mountains, ha! Here’s some pics from our recent trip to Sugar Mountain where we stayed at our friends’ new Airbnb for free (though we paid the cleaning fees). Amazing views and temp, wine tasting, and roller coasting!

How y’all all been doing lately?


@Grace @Gabriel - yes that is a one meter long pizza… half to feed the princess and the rest for dad - mom gets bits of both sides lol

The dairy makes the best vegan ice cream in town.. there were only about 40 people in front of us in the line yesterday.. today, when the heat goes from 20C to close to 40C with the humidity (heat dome arriving) the lineup will be longer.. yay for take home containers.. 

@Darnell - i hear  you on the mountains .. or at least into the greenery… my wife melts in the sun (and freezes when it falls below 50F...) so she also likes getting into the woods. Both the ladies in the house like a ‘glamping trip’ or a cottage but dislike camping on air mattresses in a small tent lol.. 

personally, i like to pack up the gear on my bicycle and ride one of the two converted train line trails that run for 200 miles each. lots of camping spots and a couple of inns that cater to cyclists in summer and cross country skiers in the winter. great food and wonderful craft beers .. and one spot i love has 200 single malts and 10 big red wines and is completely vegan from a food perspective - which is perfect for me. so a few days of solo biking in the hills and forests happens and is restful.. 

it’s midweek and already looking forward to the weekend.. 




@Darnell that looks incredible, thanks for sharing the pics! Looks very peaceful, just what you need when the temp rises!

@john.desborough that sounds like an awesome trip, are you planning something for the weekend or will it have to wait?? 

Hope you all stay cool in the heatwave, we’ve just had a storm in Barcelona this morning which seems to have cleared the air a bit! Hopefully we get a week off from the muggy temperatures!

This weekend is all action, Friday is Feast of Sant Joan - the start of the summer so there will probably be lots of fireworks and partying across the city, plus it’s also Pride here too @Liz

I’m probably going to be reliving my youth as AQUA are playing at Pride, did they make it across the pond or is this very European?! 



@Grace - my 6 yr old loves this song.. and has about 30 barbies.. though she doesn’t understand the words lol.. 

my eldest daughter runs a yarn shop in Montreal (Pride in August there) but is in Chicago right now for a yarn show… and she (they, if i ‘pronoun’ correctly) is having a lot of fun dealing with the Pride activities in Chi-town.. 



@john.desborough oh wow, that train line trail sounds dope! 

@Grace yep, gonna stay cool for sure, ha!

@john.desborough That pizza looks so good! Now I want to go get one!! I hope you had the most wonderful day, and glad there was some coffee in there!

@Darnell that looks so beautiful!! Can I stay there?! It’s my lifelong dream to own a home I can Airbnb/rent out to people. The weather looks beautiful! 

I completely forgot about Aqua, @Grace ! I hope you see them perform and if you do, please send a video! I need to relive my childhood. 

lol. @Liz - even got 10 pounds of coffee as gifts (i am still working on reminding folks i like single malt whisky too.. ) but YES lots of coffee as usual



Happy belated birthday, @john.desborough! I'm happy you had a good time with pizza and good company! 😉 Enjoy your 20s! Hehehehe. 

@Darnell Ohh...I didn't know there was a Sugar Mountain there! The one we have in Rio is called Sugar-loaf Mountain! Hehehehe. I'm glad you're enjoying the weather! 

How about @ActionJackson and @the conservative ? Enjoying the good weather as well?

@Liz I’ll try to get some videos/photos - knowing me they will be terrible but I’ll do my best! 

@Gabi Amaral how are you plans coming along for the big move?? 

@Liz if you’re serious, the property manager of that suite of condos actually helps people own and then rent out the properties, so yes, ha! We’re interested in it too but may opt for doing that with a beach house b/c the opportunity is a little more lucrative.

@Gabi Amaral Sugar-loaf Mountain!? Oh wow, love it! Hope you’re doing well!

@Gabi Amaral It’s going to be ~105 this week. That’s 40 degrees Celsius 😵

Yes, @Darnell! Here's a photo of this mountain! It a must-see if you ever go to Rio!

Hoping you're enjoying the hot weather! Being in California, I'm sure you can visit some paradisiac beaches! @ActionJackson 

Well, the last hours have been incredibly intense to me! After 13 hours in labor, my sister has delivered my nephew and godson Nico! I've been crying from 5 to 5 minutes, very emotional over here. He's a beautiful and healthy baby boy! 💛

I hope you all had a good weekend! Any interesting activities? 

@Gabi Amaral wow, look at that mountain! Yep, you’re right, def gotta go there if we ever hit Rio, ha!

Congrats on becoming an auntie and godmother, Gabi!!👏🏾👏🏾 Surely the emotions must be flowing.

Rather relaxing weekend for me as I continue to recover from my insane jump.

So guys, I landed a few hours ago from my week long trip to Israel, and that's I can tell you, it was an adventure every minute every second (except the flying which was as always a HEL) first of all just being in the holy land was really cool, and then the people and the Israeli culture is something special, (not something I would want to live with but certainly good for one week...) the first night I was at the western wall praying with a yarmulke on my head...and then I went all over the country as Tel Aviv, Tiberias, Jerusalem, Eliot, Haifa, kisaria, the dead see and much more the view is crazy, the weather is in most part great and it was a ball I even found some Jewish Hasidic boys from New York with whom I chatted in English for a few moments and that was pretty cute…@Gabi amral I'll post some pictures later and share some more details. 

Sounds like an incredible trip @the conservative ! Can’t wait to see the pics! And I agree with you on the flying, that’s never fun, glad you enjoyed the adventure and the weather was good! 

Hope all our US friends are enjoying the 4th July! 🎉 

How was everyone’s weekends? @Gabi Amaral have you managed to explore much of Seville yet? @Darnell how’s the ankle doing?


Happy July 4th everybody!

Thank you very much, @Darnell! You have no idea how happy I am for becoming an auntie! I'll find a way to show you some photos of him (I'd post here but not sure if my sis would be ok with that!). To you as well, @john.desborough💙

@ActionJackson How are you doing lately? Any nice celebrations for the 4th of July? What about you @the conservative? By the way, don't forget to share some photos of your trip to Israel! It must've been so exciting! What was your favorite city? I have some friends who said Tel Aviv is a little bit like Rio de Janeiro! I also heard the prices over there are ridiculously high! 

@Grace To be honest, I haven't! I got the contact of some friends of friends living there so I'm still "navigating the land" Hehehe 😉

Sounds like an incredible trip @the conservative ! Can’t wait to see the pics! And I agree with you on the flying, that’s never fun, glad you enjoyed the adventure and the weather was good! 

Hope all our US friends are enjoying the 4th July! 🎉 

How was everyone’s weekends? @Gabi Amaral have you managed to explore much of Seville yet? @Darnell how’s the ankle doing?

@Grace appreciate those holiday wishes! And my heels and palm are doing *much* better, thanks for asking. Almost back to 100%. You have a solid weekend?

@Gabi Amaral hopefully it won’t take you too long to settle in and make some friends! Main thing right now is to stay cool and hydrated in that heat! 💧

@Darnell I did have a good weekend thanks, went to the outdoor cinema and spent Sunday chilling on the beach so a very relaxing weekend all in all!

Yes, you're right @Grace! The city is pretty cool though, let's see what I think. 👀

Happy your ankle is better @Darnell! Now, be careful with that one! After I broke my ankle, it was never the same so now I try to be more cautious! 
