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Some of you here know that I travel a fair amount (and by fair, I mean 90% of the time), so I figured it might be fun to create a post with workplace views! Here’s mine today out near Yellowstone. :heart_eyes:


Wow @Gabi Amaral, that sounds like a great adventure! I am a tiny bit jealous but also very happy for you :sweat_smile: Enjoy your travels and thanks for sharing this beautiful picture and some F1 fun facts with us!


Seriously, @Gabi Amaral ! What a beautiful spot to be right now!

I’m battling a bit of a cold/cough (but thankfully not COVID!), so my view is basically my bed, which, while I’ve cutely decorated my room, is not all that exciting. 

Though, I did have a really good meal two weekends ago at Maximo Bistrot in Mexico City that I totally forgot to share, and here’s the photo proof!


Definitely more exciting than the ramen I’ve been ordering to shoo away this cough ha!



Sorry to hear about your cough, @Liz! Hope you’ll get better very soon!

But daaamn, that asparagus looks yummy (not really into meat so just really drooling over the greens here, haha) :heart_eyes: 

You guys have so many lovely pictures, that’s so inspiring. I’m going through my phone and it’s literally just memes and animals lately :sweat_smile:

Not really my view atm but I just love the pic so much so I’m gonna go ahead and share it with you. This is my friend’s pup being a princess :crown:


@Liz what a lovely meal you've had! I love asparagus as well! What is the cream beside it?

Ah come on, @Michaela, what is better than photos of animals and memes? Nothing! Your pup's friend looks adorable with this wreath of flowers!

I enjoyed a lot the day in Monaco, however, I was based in Nice. I took this photo on Saturday during the sunset (Fun fact about me, I'm crazy about sunsets!).

How lovely it is? :blue_heart:


@Gabi Amaral - nice view.. there are some great sunsets in that area of the world.. 

but i won’t trade that view for what happens almost every night here - the back of our house faces west, so we always get the most amazing sunsets. .. now if only the electric company would bury the hydro wires .. 


That's a hell of a sunset, @john.desborough:heart_eyes:

In my hometown, Rio de Janeiro, people usually watch the sunset in a place called "Pedra do Arpoador", facing Ipanema beach. Then, we always applaud the sunset! A lot of friends that are not from Rio make fun of us because of that, but I still love this tradition! 

I'd applaud this sunset of yours as well! :clap_tone2:

NEWS! NEWS! :newspaper2:

I'll release an exclusive photo of @James and I at the office getting ready for our first VideoAsk webinar!!! How exciting is that?

 We couldn't be happier to introduce VideoAsk to you, guys! We hope you guys can attend and enjoy it! 

See you soon, guys! @john.desborough @Paulo @Michaela @belinda_long @Kosta @Liz @aftab 

Was a fantastic webinar! (Navit’s google issues aside 🤣) Learnt so much about videoask, can’t wait to dive in 😍 the possibilities are endless!! thx for hosting this @James @Gabi Amaral @Navit 🙌🏼

Awwww it makes me so happy to see you in the same room, @Gabi Amaral @James :heart:

I almost feel like we need to photoshop @gabriel into the image ha!


I drove really early this morning a few hours outside NYC where my friend lives, but this was my view for most of the way (traffic ha!). Where I am now is really beautiful, so I’ll share some photos later! 


Any other good memes in the camera roll, @Michaela ? :rofl:

Sorry I missed this guys, sounds awesome!

Sorry I missed this guys, sounds awesome!

Hey @Kosta No worries, you can rewatch the whole thing (minus the technical gaffs) here: 

Hope you like it, let us know if you end up giving VideoAsk a spin, the team would love to know your thoughts!

I almost feel like we need to photoshop @gabriel into the image ha!


What do you mean @Liz ? I think you just need to look a bit harder at the photograph. 



I’m omnipresent. Hiding in yours desks wherever you go :rofl: A new micromanagement style 

HAHAHAH nothing like a little @Gabriel poking in to say hello! :joy::rofl:

Omg, Gabriel just casually hanging out in behind James’ monitor made me laugh we more than one would consider appropriate :grinning: As you can see, I certainly am 5 years old. 

I checked my phone for some memes, @Liz and the last one I saved speaks to me on many, many levels:


Any other overthinkers in the house? Damn, I really hope it’s not just me and me alone (overthinking intensifies) :sweat_smile:

 this is usually my Tuesday morning self but after four coffees I am back to normal.. well, normal for me.. 


i hear you @Michaela 


Now that the emergency state was lift in Japan, my view from work is the nearest Starbucks parking lot.

Not feeling comfortable to get inside and make it my work station for the day though. lol



Hey guys! I took the last two days off because my birthday was on Sunday, October 3rd. Now I am a young 30 years old lady! :joy: Three of my best friends visited me and we had an amazing time exploring Barcelona! I'm very glad to be back though! Take a look at the four of us at Park Guell!

I'm very happy you enjoyed the webinar, @belinda_long! Have you given VideoAsk a try? 

@Kosta let me know if you had time to rewatch the webinar and what are your thoughts! I'm very curious to know your opinion!!

@James your photoshop skills amaze me! Even better than mine! :sweat_smile:

@Michaela we'd love to have a coffee with you if you ever visit us in Barcelona (the 5 years old kid that lies inside of me will be happy! Haha). 

@Paulo yaaaaay, no more emergency state! Can't wait to see the photos you'll post of Japan on this thread. Hehehehe. 

@john.desborough coffee here is ready so I can catch up on everything I missed in the last few days! 

Okay, so first of all, HAPPY B’DAY 🥳 @Gabi Amaral 

Secondly, that outfit is SASSSSS 🔥love it! Hope you had a wonderful time trekking around Barcelona with your crew – fun! 

Oh, and yesss, I have tried out VideoAsk – been playing around with it & LOVE IT 🥰 @Gabi Amaral 

Super easy to set up & intuitive enough to just wing it haha I recorded a couple of test videos to get a feel for it now just gotta get my hair done & I’m good to go! 

Also been working on my new “choose your adventure” quiz – it’s getting outrageous haha can’t wait to show you! Will drop a link in the community here to get feedback once it’s ready & live 🔥

@Gabi Amaral - how you got away without a birthday ‘roast’ from your colleagues at Typeform is a mystery!

looks like you were having a blast.. and happy (belated) birthday!


Thank you a lot for the birthday wishes, @belinda_long and @john.desborough! Indeed, I had a fantastic time exploring Barcelona! :sunglasses:

I got this outfit in Brazil, Belinda...I'm slowly saying goodbye to my summer outfits! :neutral_face:  I'm dying to see your quiz! Can I choose my adventure as well? Oh, and don't forget to show us your VideoAsk as well. 

I don't know how I got away without a birthday 'roast' as well, @john.desborough! I'll talk to @James and maybe we can create this little tradition in the Community! Hehehehe 

What are you guys up to the weekend? Oh...And @Paulo, where are you? I'm expecting to see some nice photos on this thread now that the restrictions were lifted in Japan! 

You can most definitely choose your adventure too! I’m calling the quiz “(discover your) Pandemic Pivot Game Plan” 😅it’s well underway however I’m knee-deep in a 3000 word marketing report (studying my MBA rn) so you gotta hang out a little while longer! @Gabi Amaral  Hair appointment is booked for this week so videoask will follow the fresh hair 💇🏻‍♀️hehe 

It’s all happening! Hope everyone has an amazing week 😁

I completely understand, @belinda_long! Wow, good luck with your marketing report! Tomorrow is a holiday here in Spain so we will be able to enjoy the weather (it's a bit cold, but with a beautiful sun!). 

I need to take care of my hair as well, it's so messy! Hehehe. Then I'll do a videoask so you guys can hear my voice! :joy: I can even sing and dance a little bit of bachata! 

Hope everyone has an amazing week as well! 
