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Worst/best Dad jokes

At the behest of @Liz here – and to give an outlet to those of us who can’t resist the need to have fun with puns, I hereby declare the Dad joke smackdown open...


Why did the can-crusher quit his job? Because it was soda-pressing


Come on Typeform community, do your worst…



225 replies

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Ok, this weekend I heard a dad joke that I was laughing at it for 5 minutes! :rofl:

Why are elevator jokes so good? They work on so many levels 

Userlevel 7
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HAHAHAHA that is a good one, @Gabi Amaral ! :joy:

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went for the visual effect today


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Love it, Des 😂

Userlevel 7
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Hahahaha nice one, Des! A friend sent me this one: 

He said this is how it usually goes when he tries to flirt with people! :sweat_smile: ​​​​​​​

Userlevel 7
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@Gabi Amaral - i have to remember that, next time i try to flirt with someone .. if i can remember how to do that.. do they still do that these days?? 


I was let go from a job in a kitchen once for taking home a utensil… that was a whisk i was willing to take!



Userlevel 7
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Well, in these days, flirting can get pretty lame, @john.desborough:sweat_smile:

This one is just because it's cold in Barcelona:

Why do you eat so much casserole in Winter? Because it’s chilli weather! 

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Drum roll please…. 



Userlevel 7
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HAHAHAHA @john.desborough! I love when the dad jokes come with visuals! Check out this one… :joy:


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Yesterday I was telling about my trip to Nice to @James and I said something very controversial: "In my opinion, French food is overrated".

So, I just remembered this joke… Hahaha. Au revoir, mes amis! :grin:


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my daughter’s teacher sent me this one.. 



Userlevel 7
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@john.desborough that’s a stroke of genius. If this is representative of what they are teaching the kids then I’ve got a lot of hope that your daughter will become a chip of the old block.

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I'm back guys and have to post this one I saw at Instagram yesterday… :sweat_smile: #doglovers


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can you see it??


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bang bang on the door baby!  (i know that this isn’t the same song - but anyone remember the password??)

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@john.desborough I confess I had to google that last one and use a calculator to understand! :rofl: Nice one!

I could definitely relate to this joke… :flag_it::spaghetti:


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Haha. Love it. Is this actually true? Has he been elected president of the country?

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Hahaha :joy:  @john.desborough! I love Ikea, so i'm curious to know if this is true! Couldn't find any reliable news talking about this! 

Userlevel 7
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*looks at the headline of this thread - Dad JOKES*….. it’s a joke… that’s it.. that’s all 

but it would be hilarious if true


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In light of the fact that Captain Kirk went up into space for real last week, I will post another Picard… 



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There are so many possibilities with these photos! Hehehe. Just found this one, @john.desborough!


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This is funny 



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How Captain Picard is feeling while reading this thread: 

