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Happy Monday, all!

Ages ago when we could work in the office, we used to hang around the Barception - Typeform’s take on a reception with exactly what it sounds like - a bar!

We’re bringing the Barception to all of you, and you can virtually visit it below: 



Think of this as your virtual meeting space where you can say hello in the morning and goodbye in the evening, talk about what you’ve got planned this weekend or what your favorite beverage of choice is, morning or night!


I’m currently drinking iced coffee today - what about you all?

😂 @john.desborough 


too funny @James 


Do you think we could set up a virtual wacky races??

Build a go-kart and race it a certain distance then everyone has to upload their video and time to the community, fastest time wins - bonus points for best design… Would have to rely on some honesty I guess but could be fun right @James @john.desborough ?? 🚗

Do you think we could set up a virtual wacky races??

Build a go-kart and race it a certain distance then everyone has to upload their video and time to the community, fastest time wins - bonus points for best design… Would have to rely on some honesty I guess but could be fun right @James @john.desborough ?? 🚗


By golly YES @Grace !!!! We should definitely do this. I’ve got some fantastic hills around here so I’ll have a good advantage, I think the key for me is developing reliable brakes or some sort of cushioned buffering system. But I’m more than up for the challenge. Maybe we can tap Typeform for some sponsorship money to plaster our product names across the carts.

@James not to be a party pooper but I’m going to insist that we all race on a similar gradient so that no one has any down hill advantages!! 



@James not to be a party pooper but I’m going to insist that we all race on a similar gradient so that no one has any down hill advantages!! 




Drat and double drat @Grace 



AND we gotta have some simple rules to follow … so that @James doesn’t slip some NOS into his sled… 

and you need to have a cheeleader … 


AND we gotta have some simple rules to follow … so that @James doesn’t slip some NOS into his sled… 

and you need to have a cheeleader … 


I will reluctantly agree to sign that (and get my mum to sign it) @john.desborough but ONLY if it’s in typeform format 😆

@john.desborough great idea with the rules, what about teams? Can we work in teams of a specific number?! 

@john.desborough great idea with the rules, what about teams? Can we work in teams of a specific number?! 

as long as it isn’t built by Ferrari F1 you should be fine

race date 21st June (randomly picked) 

@James - at least you can get your mum to sign it.. lol.. 



@john.desborough great idea with the rules, what about teams? Can we work in teams of a specific number?! 

as long as it isn’t built by Ferrari F1 you should be fine

race date 21st June (randomly picked) 

@James - at least you can get your mum to sign it.. lol.. 



@john.desborough well there goes my idea then… 🚘

Hello hello, all! Long time, no see! It was a busy month over here in the Typeform world of things to start off the new year! Lots of new features and planning for the months ahead. No big news yet, but hopefully will have lots to share here soon.  

I also have been reading my way through some books in my little free time. Currently reading Endure and re-reading Hooked

I didn’t set any new year goals in particular, but I did start doing two-a-day workouts again and decided to run a half-marathon since I was basically already training for one. Not sure which, but if anyone has any recommendations for one in October in the US, let me know! I should probably create a typeform to track my data like Des does for his ideas. 😂

How was the first month of the year for you, @Darnell @john.desborough @belinda_long @the conservative @Grace @James @vviswanathan777 @Paulo @Gabi.Amaral @ActionJackson @Gabolino @mathio @andrew_videoask @vickioneill @picsoung @Michaela @jvh ? 

Wow @Liz good job on keeping in trim and for prepping for a half marathon - impressive stuff! No idea about ones in the US, but if you can get yourself to Kenya in June, the Lewa Safari Marathon looks incredible (there is a half marathon option 🦁):



I definitely wouldn’t have the fitness levels for it but I’d happily come along and watch you from the safety of a jeep. 

One of the 10 hardest marathons to run in the world!! @James 😱🐘 Bet it’s worth it though, looks spectacular! 

@Liz what does your two-a-day workout schedule look like? I’m always telling myself I could do something extra on my lunch break, and then never do 😅

I didn’t really make any resolutions or goals either, but I am planning a few adventures this year so hopefully I’ll have some good pics to share. I also just re-arranged my office, as it was becoming a bit of a dumping ground and seeing as I spend a big part of my time in it I thought it was time for a spring clean! 

I can’t believe we’re already about to hit February!! 


Hello hello, all! Long time, no see! It was a busy month over here in the Typeform world of things to start off the new year! Lots of new features and planning for the months ahead. No big news yet, but hopefully will have lots to share here soon.  

I also have been reading my way through some books in my little free time. Currently reading Endure and re-reading Hooked

I didn’t set any new year goals in particular, but I did start doing two-a-day workouts again and decided to run a half-marathon since I was basically already training for one. Not sure which, but if anyone has any recommendations for one in October in the US, let me know! I should probably create a typeform to track my data like Des does for his ideas. 😂

How was the first month of the year for you, @Darnell @john.desborough @belinda_long @the conservative @Grace @James @vviswanathan777 @Paulo @Gabi.Amaral @ActionJackson @Gabolino @mathio @andrew_videoask @vickioneill @picsoung @Michaela @jvh ? 

Hey @Liz, thanks for these updates and “wow” to your half-marathon goals! Great to hear from you as well! No recs yet for Oct in the US, but will let you know if I come across anything.

I also own a Kindle copy of Hooked but have not yet read it. Endure looks amazing; just added that one to my wish list.

And my Jan was strong! Lots going on but I’m primarily focused on launching my 5th online course on Mon via a staggered release: Phase 1 is for a private bunch of just 5 folks (although it’s not a beta launch) and Phase 2 will be for the larger public.

Anyway, here’s the Vision Board we did late last month in gearing up for 2023, just for some inspo. I’m not into NY resolutions (too trendy and non-sustainable) but I am into vision boards and annual themes, ha! It’s crazy that Jan is already almost over, right!?


@Darnell absolutely love this vision board! Such a great way to get inspired for the new year 🤗

@Grace aaaayyyyyyeeeeeee, glad you do!

@James wow that marathon looks cool! I feel like my knees can’t handle a marathon, but who knows! I also said the same thing about a half. I’ll update you all in a month to see if I’m still training it HA!

This is a good goal for my next half!

@Grace come on! Pics or it didn’t happen! You know the drill by now. 

@Darnell So far it’s really good! I’ve been watching a lot of tennis documentaries because tennis really is a mental game. Endure was the only book I could find in our digital library, but if I end up reading the rest on my list, I’ll let you know!

One thing I realized with Hooked is that it is a very action-orientated book, which is a good thing, but I can only read about a chapter a week, if I want to make the most of the items in there. 

I love that vision board! What do you use to create it? I used to cut out magazines as a kid, but I don’t have them anymore. Unless you’re getting them used?!

And let us know how the course goes! Creating a course is so much work but so rewarding!


@Liz Thanks for the 411 on those two books!

We used a poster board, some glue, some scissors, and all the wanted and unwanted magazines we got in the mail all year long, which is our typical ritual. Beyond making good use of stuff you didn’t ask for, we really just go into with 4 pillars (one in each corner) containing our important life areas. Then, just let it fly organically and voila!

Re: my course - will do! And similar to you reading Hooked at a pace of once chapter a week, I’m having to do a similar rollout with all my course sections. I polled my students and they preferred to have a lot of wiggle room to consume and implement each section, so they’re just getting one section per week until the end.

Hello hello all! Happy quarter two of the year! How’s everyone been? 

I was in California this weekend, so naturally, I had to drive to some of my secret spots for the views once the rain cleared out.

@Darnell Did you check out Hooked yet? Let me know what you think! I just started Inspired: How to Create Tech Products People Love. It’s been interesting read, even if I’m not personally building a tech product. 

@john.desborough @James @ActionJackson @jeremielp @the conservative how are all of you? 

@vviswanathan777 is apparently in India right now, but all I’ve seen is a house and no pics to prove it!

@Grace are you traveling this week? 


The view from my workspace over the weekend.. small local ski hill and as i looked up over my coffee and laptop, there were my lovelies… mom in her “nothing matches my new skis and boots’ outfit and the little one in the light blue jacket telling mom “i’m sure dad won’t see you if you fall going down this hill to the lift” 


still have about a foot/30cm of snow in the backyard and a little over 3ft/1m snow in the front.. but spring is here.. the birds are starting to chirp about 430 in the morning (too early even for me)


@Liz - nice view you had there.. 

Hello everyone! Wow how are we nearly in April already 😅

@Liz those views look spectacular! Hope you were able to have a little reset out there before returning to building work and noisy neighbors 😆

@john.desborough that looks like a great view point, I would be like you with the coffee and the laptop, otherwise I’d be falling down the slopes for sure… hope the gals enjoyed the slopes!

I’ve been away this past week, my mum came to visit which was lovely and then we took a trip north and went to San Sebastian and Bilbao - both were incredible will definitely be returning! 




Went to the Guggenheim museum, which was fantastic, although I think I was more in awe of the building itself and the location by the river more than anything!

Now I’m back in rainy England for a few days visiting the family and eating hot cross buns and mini eggs while I can get my hands on them! 

@john.desborough Awww I love that she tried to match her outfit with her skis ha! We all need that kind of energy. 

@Grace wow that looks nice! Was it warm out there? 

Also, what are mini eggs? 

@Liz it was Spring time warm! Good for walking around, definitely caught the sun a bit on my nose but didn’t get too hot 🌞

Mini Eggs are probably my favourite Cadbury’s chocolate, I think possibly cos they’re only available for a few months of the year in the UK and I can’t find them in Barcelona 😂 they’re just little chocolate eggs with a hard sugary shell, simple but delicious!

@Grace  - same here in Canada.. Mini Eggs rock.. don’t tell my daughter!



haha @john.desborough yeh they’re dangerous… it’s probably a good thing I can’t get my hands on them much 😆
