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2022 was quite the year, wasn’t it? We saw lots of new features, plenty of amazing Typeforms, and made friends with many of you. And can you believe this is the second year our community has been around? I had to double-check which year we launched because it has flown by! 


As we head into 2023, let’s take a peek back into the highlights of our community in 2022. 


Biggest Announcements of 2022


VideoAsk joined the Community


Once a single-product community, we became a double and invited those building videoasks to join us in our little neck of the internet. Since we added VideoAsk, we’ve seen 1102 posts created and 1110 new VideoAsk members. 

This also brought a new member of our community team - @Grace ! Learn more about her here. 

Read all about VideoAsk’s entrance into the community here. 


We reached 20,000 members


Yes, you read that right! Just before December, our community reached 20,000 total members. That’s slightly over the number of people that reside in Palau. We’re a mighty group now!

Revisit our celebration post here. 


We won an award


Customer success platform Gainsight awarded our community a GameChanger award in late 2022. @Grace  received the award at the ceremony in person, but it's thanks to all of you that we were able to achieve this! View the photos from the award ceremony here. 


Highlights from our amazing members


Our lovely members! What a year it has been with all of you. You’ve made this community a wonderful place to be and entertained us throughout the year with your forms, stories, and fancy workarounds. Let’s dive more into all that you did!


Memorable Member Spotlights


We kicked off this year with a new series highlighting various members of our community. Andrew shared lots of great tips and advice for using VideoAsk. Michaela, from Make, helped our members with their Make integration questions and created incredible workarounds to solve lots of tricky questions. 


Speaking of workarounds, Matej was the ultimate coding champion who solved complicated embed and API issues, and Des solved, well, just about every question anyone could have asked. I’m pretty sure he’s better at logic jumps than I’ll ever be, but don’t tell my boss that! 


Finally, Darnell brought positivity and fun to our coffee chats while sharing the various ways he’s used VideoAsk for lead generation. If you have questions on getting more leads, he’s your guy!


Coffee Talk takeaways


We may be a community of Typeform and VideoAsk builders, but the real highlight of the year was the conversations we had with all of you. 


Barception, our virtual coffee bar + reception, was the place to be to learn about other members and share everything from our vacation photos to weekend updates. A few of the most unforgettable things we learned this year in Barception were: 


  • We had 842 replies in the thread! Talk about a popular Barception. 

  • @Paulo  started the new year doing lots of DIY around his new home. 

  • Travel returned again this year. Grace flew to Iceland, @the conservative  visited Israel, Liz bounced around Europe for a month, and Mikkel went to Norway. 

  • Though, this travel also included our former colleague, @Gabi.Amaral , moving back to Brazil. She did travel to many other places before bidding us adieu. 


We also had lots of other threads that kept us afloat this year when we needed breaks from building forms, such as the dad jokes @john.desborough  and @James  dropped. If we needed some inspiration, the quote of the day thread brought us back to life and the community playlist alongside our favorite tunes list kept us dancing. At the end of the day, we referenced our movie club thread and some of us even made predictions on who would win the world cup. 


Typeform Love


The community wouldn’t be what it is without all of you. Special thanks to: 

@john.desborough @Darnell @ActionJackson @the conservative @mathio @Michaela @belinda_long @picsoung @Gabolino @Gabi.Amaral @ValdemarQ @talon256 

For being some of our top contributors in 2022. 


Though, it wasn’t just all fun and games - we did build some Typeforms and VideoAsks, too!


Top content


Workspace Invaders + VideoAsk Voyagers


We had some awesome folks share their use case in-depth guides this year. Some of the top highlights were: 


Workspace Invaders



VideoAsk Voyagers


Cool use cases and workarounds

While our Workspace Invaders and VideoAsk Voyagers series were a hit, so were the workarounds and use cases you shared on a day to day basis, too. Browse through some of the use cases for Typeform here, or take a look at the top ones below: 




And then, there were webinars! We loved joining you live and helping you learn more about generating leads, using various integrations, and answering your questions. Here are some of our favorite webinars from last year: 





If you weren’t able to make it to one of the webinars, hopefully you checked out some of our fantastic guides for both Typeform and VideoAsk (thanks @andrew_videoask  and @Grace !). A few of the most viewed ones were: 



Videoasks of the Month


The best part about having VideoAsk join us this year was seeing all of the cool forms you’ve been making! Here are our top featured ones: 



Product Roundups


And finally, in case you missed it, you can find the product 2022 roundups below: 



Phew! Look at all that happened. Here’s to hoping 2023 will be even more epic and filled with use cases, fun interactions, and creating even cooler forms. 


@Liz - now to turn all that into an interactive VideoAsk/Typeform presentation/quiz…. lol. 

as for coffee.. funny you mention it.. my coffee maker ran 2,341 cycles (cups) last calendar year - not all of it was consumed by me, honest!! and according to my coffee subscription with Gothrider, i ordered 86 pounds of coffee there and from Kicking Horse coffee, another 46 pounds… 

… my blood type is Type C


Oh...oh my goodness @john.desborough . First, that your coffee maker keeps track. Second, that’s a lot of coffee weight ha! I wish my Nespresso told me how much coffee I drank. Or maybe it’s better not to know. 😂

@Liz - lol.. been trying to find out when the machine is going to die on me.. (the integrated grinder has already given up the ghost) so that i can replace the beast… manufacturer rep told me it was supposed to be ‘good for 10k cups’  but i am well beyond that now lol according to the internal counter in the machine.. lol.. 

i asked if they would replace it when it wore out if i kept it running to see how long it would go, but he laughed… i tried lol



Well, sounds like you have quite the quality coffee maker, @john.desborough ! 😂

@Liz - this is what i want to replace it with though…. in red..



Incredible round-up @Liz - what a fun year we had 🤗

@Liz this is such a dope round-up, TSM for it!! It’s well-organized and highly scannable rundown too. I hope 2023 is even better for the all the folks at Typeform!!

@Liz - this is what i want to replace it with though…. in red..



@john.desborough you can’t share these things with me! I don’t need another coffee maker and this is tempting! 😂

@Darnell Agreed!! Curious to see what this year brings now that we’re kind of out of a pandemic? I think I can officially say that now. 

@Liz - this is what i want to replace it with though…. in red..



@john.desborough you can’t share these things with me! I don’t need another coffee maker and this is tempting! 😂

@Darnell Agreed!! Curious to see what this year brings now that we’re kind of out of a pandemic? I think I can officially say that now. 

@Liz - i know …. i know… i keep showing my wife the same one, to try and wear her down, but i think i will have to do a renovation in the basement bar-ish area and replace the fridge (¾ size) with an extended counter and smaller fridge under the counter AND get the plumbed-in version of the machine. That way i won’t have to fill the water tank… 

but then i would have to upgrade my grinder … (don’t even look at their grinders… I. Will.Not. Look. Again. (… and drool…. )



Well that sounds like quite the 2023 project, @john.desborough !
